Haunting Memories

Kate looked around, someone was calling her name.
There it was again! A voice so familiar, yet, so strange. It seemed to echo in the blackness.
A hand was on her shoulder. It's touch had a cold, eerie feel. She turned and saw...
The voice was normal now, and right behind her was Sally. Her eyes, as blue as the ocean. Her hair, still as radiant yellow as the sun.
"Sally..." Kate whispered. The blonde girl smiled.
"Come on, Kate!" she said, "You're not going to hang around in this darkness forever, are you?"
Kate smiled and laughed, "Nope!"
"Follow me!" Sally grasped her hand and began running back from where they came. There was a light ahead. They ran into it.
Kate found herself with Sally in a playground. A public park, from the looks of it. There was a little, black haired girl crouched under the slide, her hands covering her face. She seemed to be counting.
Suddenly, she called, "Ready or not, here I come!" 'Oh,' Kate thought, 'Hide and Seek.' The little girl got up and started looking around. Then she approached a tree.
"Found you!" a little girl with shiny blonde hair climbed down.
"How are you so good at this, Kate?" she asked.
"I'm not good, you're just bad at hiding, Sally!" replied the other. Then it struck Kate's attention. 'These girls are Sally and I in the past!"
"Well, you'll have to catch me to win!" called the young Sally, running off.
"Hey! Wait up!" The Kate chased after her.
"Come on," The older Sally spoke. "Let's go." They continued running. They were in many different places, with themselves as many ages. They were running through thir memories. Then, they reached the end of the hallway. Sally let go of Kate's hand and they watched it. Kate gasped. They were at Sally's last moment's. Kate relived the moment her best friend was taken from her, paralyzed. Then, she looked at Sally, who had her back to her.
"After all of our time together..."
"Huh?" Sally turned around and faced her. Her eyes were as red as blood against the sand, and she had sharp teeth.
"Why?" She asked, "Why Kate?"
"W-why what?" Kate asked, shocked. She had no idea what Sally was asking about.
"After all the great times we shared together..." Sally started to cry, tears of blood, "Why Kate?" The black haired girl suddenly felt guilty, for a reason she didn't know.
"Sally..." The crying girl was looking at the ground.
"Kate!" She looked up, pure rage gleaming in her bleeding eyes. "You know what I mean." Kate was taken aback. She still had no idea what she had done. Suddenly Sally lunged at her throat...
...and Kate woke up on the cold floor of the cave.
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