First job

"What?" Asked Simon.
"Remember when I wanted to get that necklace for Eleanor but Dave said I need to get a job to get money?" Theo asked.
"yes" Simon sighed and got comfortable to hear Theodore's story.
"Well, I got a job!" Theodore smiled. Simon's eyes widened.
"really?" Simon was surprised Theo got a job before him.
"Yeah, I got a job at the bakery down town" Theodore replied.
"Should I tell Dave?" asked Theodore.
"Yes, He should know or he might get crabby." Replied Alvin walking into the kitchen spinning a soccer ball on his finger.
"Okay!" said Theodore as he ran into the living room.
"DAVE!" he yelled.
"Yes, Theodore?"
"I got a job at the baker down town" Replied Theodore. Dave smiled and hugged Theodore.
"Good job" Said dave
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