The Blue Flame

Closing my eyes, I searched through my body for the flame. As I searched, I started to see black flames. The flames circled around my body, but when I opened my eyes, I glanced at Destiny. She was my best friend during the challenges we face, yet her blue eyes were wide with fear. Looking around the room, I saw Destiny and the other kids were surrounded by orange flames. Glancing down at my hands, the demonic marks shimmered brighter, and red flames covered my arms. The warm embrace of the red flame surrounded my body.
"Michaela, come here." my father said. Standing up, I began moving my feet through the flames and lava. Few seconds away from standing beside my father, I heard screams of pain. After making my way up the four stairs, I stood beside my father to see black shadowy demons holding my friends with nails up to their necks.
Glaring at my father, I asked," What's going on daddy?"
"You are the red flame, and I do not need five orange flames. So they are going to kill the kids." with no mercy my father spoke.
"Michaela, help us! Please do not let them kill us!" they pleaded. Glancing up at my father, I hoped he would stop, but he seemed emotionless.
"Bring out the traitor! She can die like this too!" father yelled at the guards. After a few minutes, my mother was dragged out. Her messed up red hair laid limp on her body, and her wings and scales had been ripped off her skin. Her bloody body left a path of blood as the shadowy figures dragged her. Finally, the shadowy figures stopped at put her on her knees.
My mother slightly lifted her weak head up and smiled at me. With what little strength she had left, my mother said, " I tried so hard to keep you from this, Michaela. I am sorry for not being able to protect you as well as I could. I love you. Stay safe, and remember never forget who you truly are."
"No need in talking to her now. It is time to meet your fate. Kill them!" my father ordered. Claws diced my friends' and mother's throat. Hitting the ground, their bodies covered it with dark blood. Trying to reach their bodies, my father grabbed my hand. I tried jerking away, but his grip was too strong.
"Mother!! Destiny!! NO!!" I screamed in pain as tears ran down my face.
My body launched up in horror of the nightmare. A memory of the past haunted me in my dreams, and caused me to hurt in pain. Even though I was taught not to cry, I felt my body mourn in sorrow, but it was the past. Now is the future, and I have a mission to do for father. Shaking of the fear inside, I pushed the dark red covers off my body and made my to the closet. Pulling the closet door opened, I pulled my wings and tails inside my body and adjusted my ears. Appearing to look like a normal human besides my eyes and red marks, I searched through the closet. Sliding off my pajama gown, I grabbed a pair of blue jeans with a heart of sparkles on the butt and a tight low-cut blue shirt. After putting on the shirt, I adjusted my boobs for a little cleavage to show on my slim figure. Grabbing the pants, I slide one leg in at a time and sled them on. On the wall of the room was a mirror. Turning around after finding my tan sandals, I relaxed my body to take away the red marks into my normal tan skin and turned my red eyes yellow. Looking in the mirror, I noticed my hair being in a mess. With my fingers, I parted my red hair to the right and pulled my curled hair down to where it looked relaxed. Finally, I finished getting ready and walked outside.
Closing the door, I closed my eyes and relaxed my body. Red flames swarmed around me as I felt my body leave Hell into Earth. Opening my eyes, I was surrounded by thick green trees and a fresh smell of cooked hot dogs. After walking through the forest, I wondered into a place of lights. Rides, food stands, and cheesy games covered the little area. Humans traveled around the area riding rides, eating greasy food, and losing their money. I walked around the bright lights until a brown haired, tanned guy grabbed my shoulder. Turning around, he smiled with his blue eyes trying to lure me to him .
"Hey beautiful. Are you by yourself?" he spoke. I shook his arm off and walked away. Then, he grabbed my wrist. Twisting me around, I was face to face with this boy.
"I will give you thirty seconds to let go of me, or I will kick your ass." I spoke getting ready to rip his throat out.
"I doubt you can hurt me." he mocked me getting closer.
Suddenly, a white haired boy pulled the boy grabbing me off and threw him to the ground. "I will. Now leave my friend alone," spoke the boy. His body had blue flames radiating off him. His white shirt with a blue jacket and black blue jean pants were not burning off by the blue flames. Cowering on the ground, the brown haired boy crawled away.
Realizing who saved me, I said," I could of finished him my self, Marcus." Shocked, he glared at me for a while. His flames had disappeared into thin air. Grabbing his wrist, I said," Let's go somewhere quieter." Pulling Marcus away, I led him into the forest. After a couple minutes of silently walking, I stopped and turned at Marcus. His face was no longer shocked, yet he showed a sign of anger and hurt.
"Why did you leave?" Marcus asked.
Giving him the same emotionless stare, I said," I did not belong there. Neither did you. You are a powerful person. Do you know what you are?"
"I am a human with a magical sword. I have no idea what is going on ,so what are you talking about? Explain." Marcus spoke.
Shaking my head, I sat down. After that, I reached for Marcus' hand and pulled him down. Sitting beside me, I began to explain what was going on," Five flames govern the world. In Hell, the red flame is the Devil's successor, and the orange flame is his/her right hand. In Heaven, the blue flame is God's successor, and the white flame is his/her right hand. The fifth flame governs over the Earth to keep it in balance. These five flames choose their own destiny between dark or light on their sixteenth birthday, but the flames powers are stored inside crystals till the day." Remembering all the pain I went through, I paused for a moment. Then, I continued saying, "Although flames may sound powerful, we can still die. Damian, the orange flame, Rebacca, the white flame, and Sasha, the yellow flame, are all dead. You and I are the only ones left, but if my plan works, they will be alive. My plan is to get the crystal's back before each of their sixteenth birthday's and try to bring them to life. Will you help me?"
Marcus cocked his left eyebrow up and said, "How am I supposed to help you raise the dead? Shoot blue fire at their bodies or use magic flame power. I can not believe you! You leave, and return just to inform me I am God's successor. Could you not just say hey want to go get coffee? How do you get chose for this? I do not remember putting in a application."
Placing my hand in my face, I said," To be God's successor, preachers chose six two year old children who they believe can be the blue flame. Each child is put through three challenges to determine. At the end of the ceremony, the children use the force inside them to shoot at their flames. Five will be white flames, but only one is blue. This same process will go for the white flame. Same goes for the Devil's successor and right hand; however, at the end of this ceremony, every child but the red or orange flame dies. The yellow flame is just chosen from the purest heart. Now bare with me, but the flames are based are the strongest to the weakest. The red and blue are the strongest. Second is the orange and white. Last is the yellow. Since you and I are the strongest, we can use our strength to regain the souls."
"Alright. Now that you have cleared that up, I have a few more questions. What happens if you do not choose a side? What flame are you? How will we regain their souls? What are you to the Devil? How do you appear human? Where have you been?" asked Marcus.
Moving my hand from my face, I moved my fingers to the ground and circled my fingers around the dirt. Still playing in the dirt, I answered, "I will answer one at time. First, the person who did not choose a side would be hunted by both angels and demons. Second, I am the red flame. Third, since they were not sixteen and unable to choose a side, their bodies are unable to go to Heaven or Hell. Due to this, their souls linger in a world only known to undecided souls known as Nervona. We can use the crystals to summon them back through the power of the flame. Next, I am a demon, but not any demon, I am the Devil's daughter. Next, my mother was a very power Grant Demon. Thanks to that my mother was the only demon able to change from demon to human. She passed this trait on to me, and I was able to inherit it. Finally, I have been in Hell."
Itching his head, Marcus said, "Alright, so you need my help. Ok, Miss Devil Girl. I will help you out, so where will we go to find the crystals?"
Rubbing the dirt on my pants, I said, "The most sacred temple on Earth, Dagona Temple. We have to hurry though. Damian's body is in Hell with his birthday in three days."
Looking at Marcus' blue eyes, I could not tell him why I wanted the other three alive. Marcus jumped on his feet reaching his hand out. "Well if that is the case, we better hurry. Let us go have a adventure, Devil Girl!" Marcus said with excitement.
When I grabbed Marcus' hand, I felt the warm embrace of his pale fingers wrapped around mine. Smiling, I began walking away saying, " Well come on then! Move your feet, and lets go, Blue Boy!"
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