
A soft song rang through your ears, you raised an eyebrow as you stood up ever so slowly. You saw a black hat poke out from the crowd, followed by the rest of his body. You watched his hands, they were holding a strange music box, and was playing it. The tune of London Bridge was what you heard. His movements, you noticed, were as if his bones were wood. Your confusion only rose when he stumbled up to you, the creaking noise was from him. You looked up at him, staring into his blank violet eyes, a little amethyst colour maybe? You couldn't tell what shade it was, but decided that they were the most beautiful eyes you've seen to date. Even if they did slightly look like glass. You even noticed his little eye shadow and strange marking under his eye. "So I wonder, what are you staring at?" You jolted, the quickly held out the straw. He looked down at it and tilted his head, earning a loud creaking noise.
"What is the bloody so- oh dear god not him." A blue haired earl said, you were confused as to why he whispered to his, butler? All you heard was 'Thought he was' and 'Killed him'. You didn't pay attention to that once the music stopped. You looked back at the strange man in front of you, his white gloved hand was held out. You placed the straw in his hand, and widened your eyes when he removed his hat, pulled back some stitches in his head, and placed the hay back in his head. Once he replaced his hat back on, he looked down back at you. Why is her eye twitching and her expression like that? He questioned in his head, but remained silent and watched your upper lip twitch with your eye.
You tried to piece everything together. He creaks when he walks, he put hay in his head, and he doesn't look real. You almost touched his face, but was shoved from behind. "Seven minutes you two!" Your maid screamed as she continued to shove the both of you until you both were on top of each other in the closet. You almost pushed yourself off of his chest, but you noticed something...strange. His chest wasn't moving, he wasn't breathing. You also noticed that his chest felt as if you were lying on a pile of straw. You pushed yourself off of him, and sat next to him. "....What are you..?" You questioned out loud, and quickly covered your mouth. "What am I? I have questioned that myself. I suppose I am human but-" You heard him move, then held him grab your hand and place something into it. "W-what's this?" You asked as you rubbed it with your finger, and screamed when it started to crawl. You threw it across the closet.
"I find termites in my ears sometimes." He replied, you looked at him. "Termites!? What next! Wooden bones!?" You shouted as you grabbed his hand and pulled off his glove, you locked fingers with him, and gasped. You wiggled your fingers between wood carved ones. "C-can you move them?" You asked, your breath hitched when the fingers moved down, and over your knuckles. "You''re a doll." You concluded as you held his hand in the palm of yours, wiggling his fingers. "I am?" He asked, you looked up at him and decided to test this out once and for all. You dropped his hand and reached up, you felt a bow and rubbed your hands higher up. You felt his neck, his chin, and finally felt your way up to his eyes. "Tell me if you feel anything." You said as you almost pushed your finger in is, you were sure, glass eye. "You're hands were on me?" He asked, you stopped moving. "Y-you can't feel me?"
You felt his head shake. "Can you feel this?" You rubbed your finger against his eye, which was smooth and cold. It was glass. Another head shake. 'You're...a talking doll...A moving doll." You said in an unbelieving voice, he tilted his head. "Doll? So I thought, I was human, but I am not?" He questioned, you nodded. "Here, let me...just." You grabbed his hand and placed it over your heart. "Do you feel that?" Silence, silence, silence. You felt his fingers slightly curl, and flushed a light red. "...My hand is moving back..." He finally said, you nodded, smiling. You almost told him it was a heart, but gasped. "We haven't even told each other our names!" You said as you slightly bowed. "I'm (first name) (last name)!" You said, and waited for him to respond. "Name? (First name)....elegant name..." He muttered quietly.
You didn't care, you honestly felt flattered to be honest. "Ah, yes...and your name, Sir?" You asked, he looked up, the creaking noises were never ending when he moved. Even the smallest movement caused a creaking sound. You felt bad for him. Maybe I could help him get fixed up, I am kinda good at fixing things. You thought, and looked back up at him. "Drocell, that is my name. I remember." He said, you nodded and smiled. "I like that name. It sounds very nice." You complimented, and slightly frowned when he made a noise of shock. "Are you alright?" You asked, only to get a nod in return.
You decided to ask him about what he does, he is a talking and moving doll, you were curious. You ended up having him talking about his doll business and his "Master" who unfortunately died a while back. He said it was hard to move and work with no motivation, and hardly any tools. "I bet it's hard." You said, he nodded. "'re always welcome here. I promise! We have plenty of tools! I'm sure we can cut up some of my old dresses and use them as doll clothes, we also have a lot of wood and glass." You listed off what you had that could help him. "So I wonder, why are you helping me?" He interrupted, you blinked a few times. You honestly didn't know. "I...I guess I just like you." You said, you always helped people you liked.
You widened your eyes when you felt him move over you. Your back was half on the wall, and half on the ground, his arms and legs were trapping you, and the both of you were face to face. "Ah...h-hi there." You said, slightly smiling, but gulped when he didn't move. You blushed once you noticed the position you were in. "A-are you-" You were cut off when he moved closer, your noses touching. "So I thought, you like me?" He asked, you widened your eyes. Well you have just met, but you did find it nice to be around him. "Yes, you're very nice to be around." You said, telling the truth. "And you'll help me with my business?" He asked, you nodded slightly. "So I wonder, if you will prove it, and to show me you are not telling me a lie?" He asked, tilting his head. You pondered on what to do, but quickly realized that you only had a small amount of time left.
You pressed your lips against his own, you were shocked to feel that they were actually soft. His skin was made from a very soft cloth. You slightly smiled to yourself. I am kissing, a doll. Something made from cloth, wood, and straw. You pulled away and raised an eyebrow. "Good enough?" You asked, he tilted his head. "You did something? I didn't feel anything." He said simplify, you slumped a little, causing you to fall against the ground completely. "I forgot you can't feel." You muttered, he remained still.
You screamed when the door was ripped open, the light almost blinding you. You felt Drocell being thrown off of you, quite literally, you saw him slam against the wall as you were picked up by someone and taken outside of the closet. You looked up and saw the man that the blue haired boy was talking too, you glared at him once he set you down. "I apologize, my lady, but that man..doll, is a menace. I do apologize for him being here." The red eyed butler said as he bowed, you stood up and looked over at the closet, the orange haired doll hasn't come out.
You began to walk over, the butler tried to stop you, but you slapped his hand away. Once you made it back to the closet, you noticed that he hasn't moved from where he was thrown. "Drocell are you alright?" You asked. "So I thought, why did you come back?" You wondered why he didn't move, but took notice of his back, a wooden beam was sticking out. You were thankful that dolls don't bleed. "Your back is snapped." You said as you helped him up, wrapping his arm around your neck. "Come on now, I'll help you..I promise."
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*guards him*
What? Don't you love Italy Snake McSlithers?
I was promised da moar
I have to so a Ciel chapter next but I need more requests
You have any~?
I think I have gotten a lot better at writing XD