
Everything she knew, everything she had ever learned, or discovered had been completely wiped out by those single few minutes. The border between fantasy, and reality was fading with her sanity.
When she was younger, she'd sometimes run crying to her mother, screaming of a monster living beneath her bed. And every once in awhile, it would crawl into her closet. Her mother always told her to not be foolish. That monsters were nonexistant. That they were not real.
But, what if there really was something so dark and sinister, that the ones who had knowledge of such creatures, refused to share it with the rest of the world.
But now, she'd seen it, she knew it was real, she didn't doubt her own eyes, nor her mind, no matter how bad she wanted to. No matter how bad she wanted to walk away from all this, and pretend that she didn't see the creature that tried to slaughter her, and try to forget the boy named Jessie that saved her.
But, the problem was, she couldn't.
Now, Cally felt as if she was falling, falling down into a dark abyss, where she couldn't see any end to the nightmare, nor could she see any way out of it. All she could sense was that she was falling, falling, falling, with no clue, or hope for a way to escape.
Cally was suddenly awoken from this dark reverie, by two gruff hands shaking her by her shoulders.
"Are you hurt?" Jessie repeated, his voice a bit louder this time.
Cally startled out of her daydream, and looked at him while blindly nodding in reply.
"Look, I know it'll be hard for you to process this for a bit, but I promise, the shock will fade, and you'll be alright." Jessie said, sympatheticly, as he took her hand in his and placed it over his shoulder as he carried her bridal style.
Through the mist that clouded her mind, she tried to keep track of where they were going but the dark night of sleep kept tugging her oh-so urgently, and eventually, she had to give into the growing night.
Author's Note:
I'm sorry for this chapter being so short, and what makes it even worse is that you all have waited an awfully long time for this chapter to come up, but for it to be short? I would be angery too!! But for some reason, I seem to enjoy updating my stories very late at night. But, despite its shortness, I hope you guys did enjoy this chapter, I'd love for you all to comment on how you like or dislike the story. And remember; I love instructive critisizm, but no flames please :). Thank you guys for sticking with me.
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