Maybe this could be Different

Cally dismissed it, she didn't really care about what it looked like, it wasn't really unique or anything of the sort. It was normal and she was fine with that, so she didn't bother to question the quality.
She remembered this, this was the first time she'd ever laid eyes upon the new opportunity they had bought for themselves. They had moved to Charleston, South Carolina from Michigan. It had all gone wrong there. They hadn't managed to befriend any of the neighbors, and try getting a job when you send out such bad vibes, as if you seep poiso into the air wherever you walk. People just didn't like them. Cally didn't know what it was. It was only she and her mother who lived, and kept to themselves. They had minded their own, and didn't bother anyone. Maybe it was something about how they looked. They both had naturally pale skin and midnight-stained hair. They just looked far too dark and sheepish for people to even want to get to know them in the first place. So, they moved. Mother had found a job in Charleston as a bartender, so they did the best they could, and bought a house they thought was best for them. Her mother tried to be optimistic about it, saying maybe they could change a bit.
That maybe this could be different.
Now, she always wore her hair up in a ponytail, taking note on the dark vibes they had sent last time. She talked more and like to host parties and would even invite people of which she'd no clue of who they were.
Cally went to a public school. She had tried her mother's way of fitting in. And she was happy that she had. She had, many friends. They gathered around her at lunch, and sometimes she became overwhelmed by all the times her name was called, and she'd have to answer to question like 'Hey, would you like to partner up with me on the fieldtrip?' and 'Can you sit by me in Social- Studies class?' She must have sounded like such a hypocrite at that moment, but what was she to do, lie and tell everyone that she thoroughly enjoyed being assaulted and attacked by all these waves of people and questions?
But, things were going better, and Cally brought herself to silently thank her mother for her optimism and encouragement.
Without it, she was pretty sure that she would still be trapped by frigid cold, darkness. Like she had before.
She promised herself that she would never go back. That life was far too lonely, and she didn't want to become a person like that ever again. For if she ever did go back to that empty life, she didn't think that she would ever make it passed age twenty.
But she wouldn't have to worry about that, would she? Cally would have choices, right? And God would help her make the right ones.
But her outlook on things changed.
When one day she was walking home from school. Her bookbag seemed to way a ton from all the textbook she had needed to take home. Major tests were tommorow, and she'd be damned if she didn't pass.
Cally was leaning over to one side at the weight of her luggage. She was sauntering down the street, cursing the bags she carried upon her back when she suddenly ceased.
She didn't know what it was. It could have been a change in the breeze, or a smell in the air. For all she knew, she could have just stopped to read a new sign that had been posted on the billboard. But whatever it was, she still wished to this day she hadn't stopped. She wished that she had just let it be and kept on walking home, and carried on with her life.
But, for whatever reason, she had stopped, and the next thing she knew was that she was violently being pulled into the forest, on the side of the road in which she had been walking along. Cally felt the briery edged claws peirced her skin, opened her mouth to let out a searing screech, but that was abruptly stopped by a sweaty palm being pressed to her mouth. Her eyes shot open and she gazed upon the beastly creature that sat posed upon her body. Its face was distorted and seemed to twist and knot into impossible conditions. Fiery, blood red eyes, with watery, bleach-white colour surrounding it. Cally stared up into its treachury and found nothing but murder. There was no mercy, no remorse, but most of all, there was no soul. There was no barrier between righteousness and murder, nor was there any to being wrong or right. Only evil pollutted this creatures eyes. Clouding up its very being. This is how she could tell it was not human. Its appearance ment nothing to her. It was all in its eyes. For eyes are the key to your soul.
It clutched her mouth, its mouth distorted into something of a smile, she thought. Its long talons, caked with dirt, digging into her skin, as she scrabbled at its chest, but it barely flinched. It leaned down towards her. She could smell the stench of its heated breath as its face grew closer, and closer to her's.
Then it suddenly disapeared. The weight of its body gone with it. Cally looked around wildly, scrambling up to her to her bottom, and taking in her surroundings. The creature's corpse was slain across a rock, its blood staining the grey surface. Its head lay and few feet from wear it used to be.
And standing over the fallen monster, with his foot stomped over ts chest, as if he'd one some type of trophy, was a man, who's torn baseball jersey said, Jessie.
Author's Note: Okay, I apologize for the wait, for the people who are actually reading this, and also for the kind of rushed sloppiness of this chapter. But, I think I do have an excuse, because it's 2 AM and I'm tired. But I got bored trying to go to sleep and finally remembered this story and had a little 'Oh crap!' moment. And I'm also sorry for the little jumpscare of the cursing in this chapter. I really tried my best to avoid cursing for the younger audience, but I have NO idea what else to put. I literally just sat here for 5 minutes strait trying to think of any other wording I could put instead, but unfortunately, could not find anything. But, if you could think of anything, I would love to use it to wipe that ugly stain of the paper. So, in other words, I would live to hear your ideas, thank you. :)
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