A young ten-year old named Ana must face many challenges. She gets kicked out of her own home, develops powers, and fights madmen. Worst of all, she....
I was sitting on a chair in the dining room, reading a big fat book called Journey Home. It was really interesting. Suddenly the door busted open. In came Mother and Father. They're really fat and greedy. anjsdhjkshfklsdahjjsdklheughrefjbkjbnlajksdhfuiwefhsdjkfnjkvnjdfhaskdjfheuhrethflahjdhskdjfhwieuhfwahjflasdjskjlksjflkjdsfhuehrekajkldfhlsakdjhnfbnv vhjsdklaheur eur uvywuirhfounh ur ruiuweiupueiuqperui iruoiquinvjfhguierhtuihrqjeiowpqpihj vrvnwuehgrtsturhghffiauerh