My Savior and the Oracles

I set her down in the chair next to me and I see two small yellow orbs float beside her. The misty forms shape and mold until they are a solid pair. I see it’s the twins and I see them study me as if I will attack… I just might.
“Who ARE all of you?... Why do you need me or even care about me.” I scream at the heads shaping into existence.
“WE are Heaven and Nevaeh and this is Goldielox… she’s a witch. We are here to show you the path to salvation and she is here to save you from the dangers in that path.” They are fully in the room sitting in chairs next to Goldie and me.
“Why do I need saving and how am I supposed to save any of YOU?”
“You will know what to do when the time comes and we will tell you what to do… but for now we must hide out here, when night comes we will fill you in on what needs to happen but, until then stay hidden from anyone and stay away from attendants.
“What are the attendants anyway… what are the experiments?” I ask with a small anger rising inside me.
“That is for us to discuss later but now you must learn your purpose.” They leave without another word and leave me with the witch girl to stare into darkness.
She has eyes filled with the blood of tears. She has one tear streak down her face and I can’t help but look at her.
“My sister was to protect me until I was ready to be with you.” She finally breaks the silence.
“What was your sister’s name?” I ask out of respect.
“Constance… she was named after our grandmother. She was our leader.” She silently weeps.
“What do you mean by leader?” after all of the stranger things I ask this.
“My family are fairies… Constance was next in line then I was born. Fairies compete when in line for leadership but Constance was alone. Only Fai are eligible for leadership… but I’m a witch so I was going to be executed. Why that was happening is because, if a witch is born in a fai family it means that me or somebody else in the family will die. They say I can only cause harm that I’m evil but I am not.”
“Then why are you here?”
“Constance loves me… I’m her sister and she wouldn’t watch me be murdered so we ran away, we were found and brought here by that man.” She points to some pictures on the wall.
I can’t see very well so I walk towards them. There is a giant portrait of the doctor that spoke to me and many small ones of attendants and one female doctor. I pay attention to this one more than the others because she looks familiar. Where would I know her… I can’t put a finger on it but I just stare at it. A hand touches my shoulder and I spin around.
“Admiring my photo I see” and the lady just smiles like I‘ve known her my whole life.
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