Dragons:chapter 2

The dragon using natural magics knows how and to what extent he can manipulate nature for his own purposes without disturbing the delicate ecological balance. He can invoke the power of the elements and create illusions including those which he may use for disguises. A dragon can appear as part of the landscape or even as a human or any other animal. Some of the more practiced, elder dragons can hold a disguise for several days without falter. There are many human legends of humans transformed into dragons. This is most likely a case of a young dragon in disguise who accidentally lost concentration or could just not hold the guise any longer without rest.
These magnificent dragon wizards hold great contempt for the clumsy human wizards who often alter and corrupt the life forces of nature, with no respect or thought of the consequences. This to the dragons is practically black magic. The only reason the dragons let these wizards live to practice magic in this way is because they know the wizards do not know any better. The contempt is mutaul however, because the wizards are jealous of the dragons great power and mastery of magic. This is most of the cause of the dragons bad reputation. For ages, medieval necromancers and preists who were jealous of their superiors taught the common folk that dragons were the incarnation of evil and the devil.
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