
Her mother opened the door. "Yes, baby doll?" She asked.
"There is a man outside! All alone! Can I play with him mommy? Please!" She asked, with a big frown.
"Depends on, 'who this man is'. Show me him, lead me." Demanded her mother.
"Okay mama! But you got to let me drag you along the way!" Calista grabbed on tight to her mother's hand and ran down the street.
"HUH? The man is no longer here! He just was mommy! Do you believe me?" She asked.
"Ah, yes. Why wouldn't I? Now, let's go inside..." Her mother picked up her daughter.
Everybody in the neighbor hood waved. "Nice kid, Anna!" Said one.
Calista shouted, "Why did you ignore that man? You made him leave!" She blamed. She pointed at the people.
Anna lifted her kid higher, and whispered, "Please stay quite..." She begged.
"Okay mama!" Everybody starred at Calista with one eyebrow.
The man peeked behind a tree, as the two walked in.
Anna put Calista on the bed, and sat next to her. "Hm, describe this 'man' for me. Will you?" She asked.
Calista nodded. "Mhm!" She hummed. "Well, he had no face. Hehe! He had a black suit from a modeling show, which looked so funny! And he was just white! Mama! Next time when we go outside, may we play with him? PLEASE?" Begged Calista.
"No, Calista. It's all in your mind.. That is all fake! There is no such thing." Shouted her mother.
Calista cried. "Mama! But he is REAL! I know it! I saw him with my eyes!" Yelled Calista back at her mom.
"ENOUGH!" Demanded Anna. "There is no such thing!"
Calista whined. "Mama... Can you tell me a scary story? A real one!" Asked Calista, while cuddling her little teddy bear.
"Oh sure.. When I was in highschool, a new kid named Jeff was missing. And his friend, Jane was too. His whole family caught dead, while Jeff has been gone. Jane was the only one who'd survived. But never found again... Her three friends were found dead, along with Jane's family. The end... I shouldn't even be telling you this." Told her mother.
"I don't mind, mama! I love scary stories!" Said Calista. "Plus, when I grow up I wanna be a cop! I will be named, 'Cal-the-cop' and I will find Jeff for you mama! Plus Jane!" Told Calista.
"Awh, nice." Her mother said. "But for now, stay 'cal-the-nine-year-old.' Will you?" Asked her mother, tucking in Calista tightly.
"Yeah! It will do!" Giggled Calista.
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