
Sorrow only went psycho and became a killing machine 5 nights ago. He was tied in a small cage. He was only fed stale bread and 3 week old water.
This time, Sorrow will escape. Sorrow knows what he would do.
"Need help? We should of been uh...friends." Came an unfamiliar voice. Inosuke appeared from the darkness. They are both evil. But Sorrow knows better.
"If you can cut through these chains... I will..." Sorrow became furious. The chains exploded to dust. Sorrow had escaped. Sorrow was happy. But angry. He is Inosuke now. He is a killing machine and is hungry for blood.
"Uh... You wanna.... Join.... Forces?" Inosuke spoke quietly, making sure not to threaten Sorrow.
"ME!? JOIN YOU!? HA!" Sorrow laughed. " I'd rather DIE than join you!" That got Inosuke.
Fangs ripped through Inosuke like how he did it to Sorrow.
"DIE!? I would rather DIE to look at you! Drink your blood! EVEN THINK ABOUT YOU!" Inosuke was in tears. Tears of blood. Then he disappeared. Leaving Sorrow alone on the prison roof.
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