Hannah Smith 1999-2013

In the weeks leading up to her death, Smith had been subjected to cruel taunts and insults about her weight and a family death on Ask.fm, a question-and-answer social networking site that allows anonymous participation. Bullies on Ask.fm urged her to drink bleach and cut herself. According to Hannah’s father, she went to Ask.fm to look for advice on the skin condition eczema.
After her death, Hannah’s father found a note that read: “As I sit here day by day I wonder if it’s going to get better. I want to die, I want to be free. I can’t live like this any more. I’m not happy”.
Following the suicide, Hannah’s older sister, Jo, described how, just days after discovering her younger sister’s body, she started receiving abusive messages on Facebook mocking her loss and blaming her grieving father’s parenting skills for the tragic death.
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I hate it when people lose people they love, I hate to think how they feel.