Weeping Angels

"Don't blink," says some one behind her. "What Doctor is that y-" "Just listen to me, don't blink, don't even blink, blink and your dead. Their fast, faster than you can believe, don't turn you back, don't look away and don't blink!" "Ok, but there's to many of them!" "I know," he says grabbing her arm, "RUN!"
They were running, running away from the angels but going the wrong way they were heading deeper into the park, the woods. "Doctor," starts Cheyenne, "we're going the wrong way!" "No we're not w-" "Yes we are, we're heading deeper into the woods." The Doctor stopped and stared at her, then sat down on a rock. "Doctor, what were those things?" asks Cheyenne to break the silence.
"Those were weeping angels, statues that kill when no one is looking and they see, to have taken a liking to you, why is that?" Cheyenne didn't know until the thought hit her. "Why do you keep asking me about my life, and don't say you want to get to know me." "I..." he starts then puts his head in his hands with a sigh. Then Cheyenne felt a cold sensation go through her body. "Doctor-" something hard, cold and rough rapped around her neck.
The Doctor looked up and stood up very quickly. "Cheyenne don't move," he says taking something out of his pocket. "Well I can't anyway" says Cheyenne coldly. The Doctor ignored her and walked around the angel and Cheyenne heard a weird buzzing sound. "Whats that sound?" "Oh it's my sonic screw driver," answers The Doctor. "Cheyenne" starts The Doctor in a serious voice "I need you to listen to me carefully, this angel has a strong hold on you and it will not let go for some reason," he paused to let her mind process that information. "Why hasn't it killed me yet and what are you going to do?"
"I don't know why it hasn't killed you, more are coming and I am going to do some thing but you are not going to like it." "What is it?" she asks getting scared and feeling another cold sensation that begins to numb her. "I need you to hold this" he says handing her his sonic screwdriver, "and hold this button down until I get back." "But I'm scared," says Cheyenne with tears forcing themselfs out. "Don't be, I'll be right back," and he runs off going back the way they just came from.
The grip the angel has on Cheyennes neck was getting tighter but she tried to ignore it and hold the button down on the screwdriver. The Doctor had been gone for 10 minutes and Cheyenne was having a hard time breathing. i can do this she kept thinking, I can do this. But the angels grip was even more tighter. So she tried to wiggle out, but it didn't work and she dropped the sonic.
More angels had appeared and were surrounding. Just as Cheyenne was starting to blackout from the angels grip something happened. There was a wrrring sound and something was appearing around her out of thin air. The angels hold on her disappeared and as she fell into darkness, Cheyenne felt some one catch her and then nothing.
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