The truth

"Why did you push him?" "Why should I tell you?" I could tell that she was mad. "Don't make it hard and tell me." "No." She was being difficult. Her brown hair was in a messy bun and she looked exhausted. It took hours for her to talk but I found a way. I guess she was tired from being questioned. We were in here the whole time while Zayn was at the hospital. We didn't eat, sleep or drink. I know it's stupid but we need to know why. And I also didn't like that they were together. I was maybe a bit jealous. "If you tell me why, I'll bring you food and a drink." "Liam, I honestly don't know why I pushed him. I was mad, mad at him but I don't know if I could tell you why. If I did, you'd just end up pushing Zayn down the stairs yourself and I don't want to ruin your friendship." "I would never push Zayn down the stairs even if he did something bad. He's my mate and I'm sure he had a perfectly good reason doing it. Now please tell me." "Louis." "What?" "Louis. We fought over Louis and I was just so mad at him." "Why? Why Louis?" "He thought I would take Louis away from Eleanor and then dump him when I had enough of him. He wanted to protect Louis. He didn't want Louis falling in love with me. I don't know why he would think that Louis could fall in love with a person like me. Zayn threatened me and when Louis told me to call him by his nickname, Zayn was furious. He told me to back off and then had an idea and let you in. He kissed me and when you guys left, he wanted me to pretend that we were together so that Louis wouldn't love me! He knew Louis couldn't interfere because Zayn is his mate and Louis would never hurt Zayn. So I got mad cause I didn't want to lie and pushed him!" Wow, that was a huge story. Tears ran down her cheeks and I wiped them away. "Shhh... It's gonna be fine." I held her in my arms and hugged her. "Shhh..." "I, I, I didn't want to lie to Louis, he's my friend, I could never..." "Shh... You were just mad. It wasn't your fault, he just provoked you." "I love you Liam." "I love you too." And before I could even think, I kissed her. She didn't push me away. She kissed me back and then it was just us, us two. We didn't care, we just kissed. It was amazing and they were so many sparkles even fireworks. We pulled away after five minutes. We gasped for air. "Liam, I..." "Shhhh....." She hugged me and rested her head one my shoulder. I finally let it out. I love her, I love Angela. Someone knocked on the door so I opened it. "Hey Liam." Louis said. He saw Angela and frowned. "Was she crying?" He quietly asked. "Yep." "Zayn is in the living room. He was released and he's watching a movie with Harry and Niall. If you guys wanna join us?" "Sure. Angela?" She stood up and walked to me, hiding her face in my chest. "I'll take that as a yes." I carried her bridal style and when I entered, Zayn raised an eyebrow. "What are you doing with my girlfriend?" "Zayn. She told me. Stop faking and leave her alone." Zayn sighed and turned back to watch the movie. "I'll get the popcorn." Louis went to the kitchen. Niall and Harry were sitting on the couch together with Zayn. I put Angela on the couch and was about to walk and sit with the guys. "Liam, don't go. Stay." I sat down and she rested in my arms. When Louis came back, I swear I saw him clench his fists. I heard a knock and Louis ran. He opened and hugged Eleanor. "Hey guys." she said happily. "Hey." We all said. "So, Liam who's the lucky girl?" I rolled my eyes. Angie looked up. "Hi, I'm Eleanor." "Hello. I'm Angela, it's nice to meet you." "It's nice to meet you too." Eleanor bit her lip and whispered in my ear. "Why has she been crying?" "Louis and Zayn." "Oh." "Well, we have to go now, see ya later." Louis cheerfully exclaimed. Angela kissed my cheek while Louis walked away with Eleanor. "Bye!" I turned my head to the TV and watched the movie. Angela sighed and then closed her eyes. "Good night Angela." "Good night Liam. I love you." My heart melted when I heard those words. Niall and Harry whispered to each other before watching the movie again. "I love you too." More whispers. The movie ended and I put a blanket over Angela. I slowly closed the door and went up to my room only to find Niall, Harry and Zayn waiting on my bed. "Why are you here?" I asked. "What's going on with you and Angela?" "Nothing." "We know what we heard Liam." "Ok. We kinda kissed." "What?" Harry and Niall shouted. "Shut up! You'll wake her up!" Zayn angrily shoved me. "Why? She's mine!" "Zayn, stop acting." "I'm not." "Yes, you are. She told me." "She lied." "No...."
"I didn't."
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