Apologies and threats

Louis looked at us as we entered the kitchen. The toast were done so he grabbed them and quickly got out. I grabbed his arm but struggled since he was stronger than me. Liam noticed this and helped me. "Let go Liam." Louis growled. "No." "Louis. Just stop. Look I wanted to apologize for last night. It's just, I was so angry... I, I, I said things I didn't mean. Louis, you're a great guy who's helped me out when I was down. Please, please forgive me." Louis just looked right through me without saying anything. He didn't talk for one, two, three minutes. Was he ignoring me? "Fine! Louis if you wanna be like that then I'm going." Liam's eyes widened. I tried walking past Liam but he stopped me. "Louis! Snap out of it. Angela came here to apologize. Just forgive and forget already!" Liam started getting angry. I pushed him and ran. Liam was strong and fast so he caught up with me. "Angela! No! Just stay! Stay!" I sighed and stood there. "Louis come here." Louis glared at Liam before joining him. "Look, Angela just got mad at us. We said some things that we shouldn't have said. Just, oh gosh, it's not her fault. Look if you wanna blame someone, blame us!" I couldn't believe it. Liam, the guy who glared at me like I was nobody, was standing up for me? What is going on? "What did you tell her?" Louis asked. "Ummm...." Liam looked uncomfortable. "They just told me to back off." Louis nodded before walking past Liam. "Ok. Well, I'm gonna go eat now. Oh and Angela. I, I forgive you." He pulled me into a hug. Why did he keep on hugging me? I wasn't the hugging type. I pushed him away. "What? No hug?" "I ain't the hugging type Tomlinson." Louis just laughed. Liam ran a hand through his hair. "Now that that's over. Wanna have some eggs?" "Sure." "So, do you like them scrambled, poached or fertilized?" I giggled. "Now that has got to be the lamest joke ever!" "But you laughed!" Liam protested. I punched his arm playfully and he rubbed it, acting hurt. I just laughed. I didn't have this much fun with Troy. My phone vibrated and I answered it. "Hello." "Hi Angela." I froze. "Troy, don't..." "Sorry! Don't tell at me. I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry but I did it for you, I did it for us." "Us?" "Yeah, I knew this relationship wasn't going anywhere. I didn't really have feelings for you but you did and I thought if we continued, you'd love me more and then I'd break up with you and you'd be heart broken." "But I already am Troy." "I was too late." "Yes, you were." Silence. "I gotta go." "It was nice talking to you Angie and again I'm so sorry." "Sorry wont help and never call me again." I ended the call and deleted his number from my phone. "Eggs are ready!" Liam shouted. "Coming." Niall came running down the stairs. I silently laughed to myself. It was funny how Niall liked food. No not like, loved food and still loves it. I then saw Niall stuffing toasts and eggs in his mouth. "Niall, don't eat too fast and don't put too much food in your mouth." "What are you my mother?" Niall asked jokingly. Zayn came with a small mirror in his pocket and I smiled but quickly stopped when I noticed Zayn rolling his eyes at me. "Good morning Zayn." "Good morning Liam, Louis, Niall and Harry." He was ignoring me. "Hey Angela could you pass me the butter pls?" Louis asked. Ah! He wasn't angry with me anymore. "So? What should we do today?" They all shrugged. "Let's watch a movie." Liam exclaimed. "Sure, which one?" "Toy story?" "What's toy story?" Liam gasped. "You don't know what Toy story is?" "Nope, never heard of it." "Why?" "I told you, I'm not into that happy, cheery, childish stuff. I don't even watch movies. I just hang out with Troy." "I know! We could watch disney movies together. Obviously that Troy boy hid you from reality." I didn't like the way he said Troy. It's like if he hated him. "Whatever." "Don't whatever us!" Louis shouted. "Whatever." "Angie! If you say whatever again, I'll tickle you." Louis threatened. "Whatever." "Ok you asked for it." Louis jumped on me, pinned me to the ground and tickled me. "Stop!" I was very ticklish and I only found out today, Troy never tickled me. "Stop, please, just stop!" "Not until you swear to stop saying whatever." "Whatever." Oops. Habit, I guess. "Louis stop trying to rape her." Zayn angrily said. Louis stopped and sat up. "I wasn't trying to rape her!" "Just stop before it gets out of control and you guys end up making out on the floor." What was his problem. "Zayn, what the hell is your problem? I was just tickling her. "And you do that to how many girls?" Louis stood up. Oh, oh! Things weren't going to be pretty. "What did you say Zayn?" "And you do that to how many girls? Louis, it was just a question. You're getting mad for nothing, obviously you've been hanging out way too much with Mrs.Trees." What! He called be my last name. What is his problem? I didn't do anything to him. "And stop staring Mrs.Trees." I clenched my teeth. "I think you and I need to talk Mrs. Trees." Zayn took me to his room and slammed the door and then locked it. "What's your problem?" "You are." "Why?" "Cause you're using Louis." "I'm what?" "You're trying to make him yours." "I am not." "I see the way Louis looks at you. He's with Eleanor ok?" "Why do you even care?" "Because I don't want Louis to get hurt." "Why would he get hurt?" "You're a dark person Angela, Louis is sweet. You and I both know that one day, you're just gonna leave Louis one day." "I would never.." "Oh cut the crap already! You are dark Angela, just like me but you are way darker." I didn't even notice but Zayn was closer than usual. I could feel his hot breath on my neck. He stayed like this until someone knocked on the door. "Is everything alright in there?" "It's fine!" Zayn replied. "Remember, stay away from Louis or I will hurt you." Zayn stepped back and unlocked the door and left. I was still shocked. Did he just threaten me? "Angie?" I jumped. "Liam. Don't ever do that ok?" "Yeah." "I'm fine."
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