11. Opal Essence was originally Ruby, but many gemstones were already trademark toys. 12. Twilight Sparkle was originally Twilight Twinkle. Lauren actually wanted to name her "Twilight", but there were legal issues there. Twilight Twinkle was also a lacked due to the same legal stuff. No subtlle jab at the Twilight Saga was used in the making of her final name. 13. Rarity's Element of Harmony was originally inspiration. 14. Twilight Sparkle originally had dark blue hair with a light blue stripe. 15. Diamond Dogs names are Fido, Rover, and Spot (which has been reavealed already.) 16. Pinkie's sisters weren't named, but ideas of Minced Meat Pie and Chicken Pot Pie were floating around. 17. Zecora was originally named "Shaman". 18. Bird in the Hoof was originally concieved as a tug-at-your-heartstrings style episode about losing a pet. 19. Golden Oak Library was originally The Tree of Knowing. And #20. Pinkie Pie used to have a "Sugard Rush"power when she ate too much candy. She would plow through doors, and the Cakes had to replace theirs on a weekly basis.