yup these are real stuff that has happened to me and my family and so.. lol ya once again I hope this gives you somewhat entertainment..
Mary_chanpublished on August 12, 2013not completed
so this is another story about my aunt.. so anyways she used to live with us and she said she kept waking up for like a week because she said she could clearly hear a t.v going were the wall was.. and she could hear people talking.. like kind of how they talk to eachother on the news and stuff... and she said it kept happening for a week and then it stopped.
These are really creepy!!! but the on 3 a.m The same thing happens to me! I've been playing this game for a while (not exactly scary) but i keep on thinking i'm going to wake up outside a mansion like the game, but anyway do you think your house could be haunted? or family members playing pranks?