
“Yes, they will make fine Skyclan warriors one day”, replied a white tabby rising his head proudly at the already crowded nursery.
“Come on little kit,” purred the she-cat to the nervous kit. The kit looked up to her in a startled expression that the she-cat was taking to her. The she-cat nudged the young kit as, the kit stumbled on her first few steps. Suddenly there was a quick blur and she was gone. Puzzled the she-cat went out of the nursery and saw a little nose poking out of the fresh-kill pile. Purring the she-cat fished out the kit from the pile.
Smiling the she-cat meowed, “I’m going to call you Flashkit.” She picked up the kit and strolled back to the nursery seeing one of the kits snarling at what looked like razor sharp teeth.
“And I’m going to call you Sharpkit” meowed the she-cat once more. She saw Sharpkit pounce onto Deathkit who was almost born dead. The two kits tussled playfully around then, Deathkit skillfully pinned Sharpkit down to the ground. He raised his tiny paw and unsheathed them, Sharpkit squeaked with fright. Deathkit was about to slash at his throat when the she-cat had stopped watching and interfered. She pulled out Deathkit away from Sharpkit who started thrashing wildly to break her grasp. Once he calmed down, she carefully put him down.
Then she started scolding at Deathkit,” You should be ashamed at yourself! Why did you attack your brother?” Instead of looking down like most kits would do he looked coldly at the she-cat. As soon as she looked into Deathkit’s eyes terror washed over her. They were not blue but fiery red. His eyes blazed as hot as fire and as cold as ice. Suddenly like it came it was gone. The she-cat shook her head, I must be dreaming, thought the she-cat. She started counting her kit in the nursery 1...2...3… where is the fourth one? She thought. She looked outside to see a kit staring at the cloudless sky. The she-cat padded up to the sky to.
She saw nothing but meowed warily,” I’ll call you Skykit.” Suddenly she heard distressed mewling call like one of her kits from the nursery. She rushed back and only saw Sharpkit and Flashkit terrified. Then, Deathkit appeared out of nowhere hurtling toward the kits with his claws unsheathed. Flashkit zoomed away, but poor Sharpkit had swerve out of the way to avoid getting narrowly hit. Then the she-cat saw those fiery eyes blazing like the forest fire. Suddenly, Deathkit eyes turned blue again and he closed his eyes fainting sideways.
She didn’t realize that the white tabby had left and brought fresh-kill in until he meowed worriedly, “Are you alright?”
Straightening up, she replied, “Yeah I’m fine. Thanks for the fresh-kill.” As the tabby left the nursery the she-cat started worrying about what happened to Deathkit. Now she knows, she’ll be haunted by the memory of the fire in her sons eyes for years to come….
Flashkit is my character while the others are my friends characters well hope u liked it and please favorite
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