This story is about two friends named Jay and Tobias since they were kids they like to play finding objects, one day Tobias found an old magical book that contain black magic he asked Jay to help him open it because the book has a lock that need to be open with a key. Both open the book and strange force come out of the book to take them forever.
Tobias leave Jay in charged of the antiquities shop
The next day Tobias wake up early he prepared breakfast for Jay and for him, when he finished he started to write a note where he leave Jay in charged until he's coming back. Jay wake up early he saw the breakfast on the table then he saw the note he open it he read the note and say "wow finally Tobias left me in charged of the antiquities shop". Later the people started coming to buy in the shop Jay was surprised that they came early instead coming afternoon, but he don't mind he help them in anything they need he couldn't ate his breakfast because duty is calling him. It was closing time Jay was worried that Tobias is not coming back yet then he appeared with a strange book in his hands, Jay exclaimed "where were you and where do you get this book?" Tobias replied "closed the door I need your help to open this book I found on the streets when I was walking" Jay respond "this book look so old you shouldn't bring it over here probably someone it might looking for it" Tobias answered "don't be silly no one is looking for it because this book totally old who in the world want a book like this?" Jay replied "I don't know maybe you" Tobias responded "hahaha very funny Jay help to open it I try many time, but I couldn't" Jay says "I think you need a key to open it" Tobias screamed "what!!! I need dumb key for this book I can't believe it". The two guys try many things to open the strange book Tobias yelled "I can't take it anymore this stupid book doesn't open" then Tobias through the book so hard that key went out. Jay exclaimed "look Tobias is the key all this time was inside the cover of the book let's open it now" Tobias answered "yes let's open it" Tobias and Jay grab the key together and open the book when they see the book it was totally in blanck.