Doctor Hooves: No.... No... NOOOO!!! He cried and carried Derpy in further in time. Doctor Hoove's mind: I-I know you wanted to go discover what was at the end with me... I won't just walk away from your dream... Doctor Hooves: I will take you there... He was still crying as he saw a endless pit. He used his grappling hook and got over it. He ran for what seemed hours but was really minutes. He saw a golden door with a lock on it. The lock was shaped like a medallion. He put his medallion inside. It made a clicking sound. He pulled the door open and there was a stand. It had a letter on it... He picked up the letter. He read it aloud- Doctor Hooves: I know this was a terrible happening but you have succeeded on your journey now... You have reached the end of the dungeon. You can choose of these two things- Memories or Derpy. Doctor Hooves: Der- Doctor Hooves has a flashback of- Doctor: MY PARENTS!!?!?!?!? He grabbed the door. Derpy pulled him back. Derpy: Doctor if you see your parents it could severely change the future... He has another flashback of- Doctor Hooves: This is a Legendary Power Case it can make you a god!!! Derpy: There is only one so only one of us could be a god... You take it. Doctor Hooves: It would tear us apart... Doctor Hooves threw it to the ground and smashed it. With a tear in his eye Doctor Hooves chose memories. He was teleported back to the library and Twilight was awake. Twilight: Where were you!? Doctor Hooves: Nowhere.... He ran out crying. Later at nighttime he was at a graveyard. Everyone was there with him. He put a letter by Derpy's corpse. Letter in Doctor Hoove's voice: I'm sorry I couldn't make it when the spikes hit you... It is my fault your dead. I chose memories because I remembered that it could it change the future and that I would do anything for you... Memories are Sometimes All you Have. I love you Derpy.... -The Doctor-