Doctor: This is time travel isn't it... I could go back to the time my parents were alive and see them... Doctor Hooves grabbed the door but Derpy pulled him back. Derpy: Doc... if you go to that time and see your parents.. it could severely change the future. Doctor: I know... He began to cry. They both ran deeper into time and eventually they saw they a golden case on the ground. Doctor: What is this? He picked it up and felt powerful. He dropped it and felt normal. Doctor: Derpy! This is a legendary power case! It makes you immortal and everything you ever wanted!!! We could be gods!!! Derpy: That's cool but... there is only ONE case so only one of us could be gods and that one of us would have to go to heaven and live there... You take it. The doctor looked at the case then at Derpy. Doctor: No if only one of us could be a god it would tear us apart! He crushed the case. Doctor: Its just obstacles somepony... or something is trying to tear us apart. I love you derpy... He smiled Derpy: I love you too. Both: NOW LETS DECEND INTO TIME!!! :D They walked until they found two levers. They both pushed them at the same time. It released two different cages and they both got trapped! Doctor: DERPY!!! Derpy: DOCTOR!!! Spikes began to lower from the ceiling! Doctor: Derpy hang on!!! I'll find a way out of this!!! He thought fast! He grabbed a teleportation device and teleported out quickly! The spikes censored and they began to go faster. The doctor was about to teleport in and grab Derpy. But it was... too late...