Beginning of an adventure

"Candy!!!!!" shouts Kary as she runs into my room.
"What is it now?" "and no I am not making breakfast Kary if you want breakfast go downstairs and mom will make you some."
"Not that we should go on adventure today like you know go explore some old fairy houses or something!"
"Oh gosh kary you sure that's a good idea?" "The last time you wanted to explore lavarna almost kidnapped us."
"Yeah but wasn't Lavarna banished to the bogs of the hinterlan?" says kary.
"Oh right," "guess there's no reason why we can't go on an adventure," I say.
"Yess!!" shouts kary as she runs down the stairs and almost falls down twice.
Later downstairs as me and Kary are eating our breakfast of eggs and bacon. "Kary where were you thinking of going anyway?" I say.
"Well on my way home from school the other day I saw this old Rainbow house it looked cool and not scary at all since rainbows are good things right?" says Kary.
"Most of the time but in Lavarna's case nope," I say.
"Right but Lavarna isn't even here so we can go!" shouts kary.
"Right, we'll go after dinner," "oh and Kary just in case lavarna is there i advise you go practice your fast flying fairy powers."
"Awww do i have to," moans Kary.
"Yes Kary! do you really want to get killed?" "remeber the last time?" I say.
"Oh yeah when lavarna teamed up with a pack of ogers," says Kary.
"We'll take about it later but for now we better finish our breakfast then we can go practice our powers," "I must admit i'm not very good with seeweed like a garden fairy should," I say.
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