
"Candy! Look what I can do now!" Kary said as she formed a giant tornado in the house.
"Woah Kary not in the house but great job,save it for lavarna incase she's at the house," I say.
"Aw ok," says Kary as she gets rid of the tornado.
"Girls dinner's ready," says our mom.
"Coming!" me and Kary both shout as we run to the dinner table.
Soon after me and Kary are both finished our dinner and are ready to pack for the rainbow house. "Kary i'll pack some food and
water incase we get hungry or thirsty you pack our flashlights and phones," I say as I pack.
"Ok on it," says Kary as she runs into our room.
5 minutes later were ready to go. "Bye mom me and kary our going on a adventure," I say as me and Kary fly out the door.
"Ok sweetie be back soon and watch out for lavarna," says our mom.
"We will mom me and Kary trained all day," I say.
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