Hey guyz! I'm over here. Snapshot! LOL! Look how pretty I am in this picture. I look like a model that just came out of Teen Vouge, do I not? But I'd like to also announce my newest contest. To be feautured in the 7th chapter of this book go to my page The Kissa Show, request membership and the first person to type Kissa Is a Model(lol) will be featured as one of my true friends on Qfeast and a picture of their profile pic will be the pic instead. Who knew? Watch out for the next chapter!
what do uuuu have to say in the matter u just jealous gurll. 9im really her because I know who I am u are a meanie and I don't wanna be in here anymore. u guys are so mean
r u lot believing this? how old r u? kylie brown doesn't have a qfeast she has more grown up sites to go on
plus "Hey guyz! I'm over here. Snapshot! LOL! Look how pretty I am in this picture. I look like a model that just came out of Teen Vouge, do I not?" kylie brown wud like err never say dat I feel soz 4 da gurl ur sneakin da pics off
plus "Hey guyz! I'm over here. Snapshot! LOL! Look how pretty I am in this picture. I look like a model that just came out of Teen Vouge, do I not?" kylie brown wud like err never say dat I feel soz 4 da gurl ur sneakin da pics off