My New Job

I decided that the most relevant place to get a job application from was Chuck E Cheese. I walked in and immediately the smell of rotting food and sweat filled my nose. I cringed at the sight of moldy pizza under the tables and chairs in one of the dining rooms. A boy about 16 with an acne ridden face walked up to me and said, " how many in your party? ". I asked for a job application instead. He told me that I would have to talk to the manager. A large man with a brown mustache walked up to me and asked what my problem was. I told him that I was here to apply for a job. The manager hired me immediately. It was weird but I jumped out of my seat and told him that I was very excited to start. He told me that I would be starting tomorrow at 4 pm. I thanked him politely and began walking out of the place when I realized that I never got his name or number.
I turned around and both the boy and the manager were gone. I went to bed late at night. I was on my laptop searching what first jobs I were more likely to get as a new employe. The most likely ones were Toilet management(AKA cleaning) Table cleaning or washing the oddly realistic animatronics. I arrived at work 5 minutes early. I walked up to the entry desk and told the teenage girl that I needed to speak to the manager. She let me in the large building and took me behind the counter. She then told me to wait outside the employee's only room. She walked in and came out with the manager. He finally introduced himself as Mark and told me to take a seat inside his office.
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