Life story

They put me in the tightest cage possible and made me wear only a rag. They throw me around like a toy and beat till I thought I was dead but I never was. They starved me till but never to the point of death. What would be the fun in that? The children would come down to the cellar and tease me, push me or punch me. Once they made me go naked in the dead of winter were it was so cold my hands were blue. The metal shackles were freezing cold and my teeth chattered so much it disturbed them upstairs so they gagged me. Then when it got a bit warmer they put the rag back on me but put more chains on and made me do work like cleaning floors. When I was doing this they kicked me and punched me. It hurt and I was weak. After a while they gave up on me, like I was old and I was. They put me back on sale.
The next home had been much worse. They pulled some curtains around my cage so no person could see then they had taken my t-shirt off so only my underwear was showing. Then they'd ummmm...... felt me, poked me hard on my bruised areas. They bought me and a guard shoved me and made me walk. I was so weak I thought I couldn't. I kept on tripping over and they hit me every time I did. When we got there I had been shoved in a cage in the boys room, told to take my clothes off and put this dress on which had come up to half way up my thighs and was short sleeves. They had prodded and poked me, and chained me up so tight it hurt to move. They throw my food on the floor so I was made to lick it up from the floor. The boys would tease me by taking my clothes off and hanging them up high in the cage so I had to reach for them. They had pulled curtains round me so they didn't have to see me 24/7.
So here I was now, weak defenceless and back in the old t-shirt and trousers.
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Your an amazing writer. (: