Ever wonder how the world would be with out leaders? Well for Vinie thats the case.She giving up on hope and love.She thinks theres no hope.Will someone step up and help her find this hope and love she's been looking for ?
WolfieGirl12published on May 19, 2018not completed
Love ? Whats love ? Its been years seice I've felt that.This thing called life is unbelievable.You might think that in your life that you can make change.Well the time is 3020 and I have been living for over 100 years.How ? Well its quite simple.Lets just say I was a little girl who was always bright and cheerful.I was taken as a pensioner.I has focesd to take shots, lots of them.Now , I can live up to 200 thousands years old.The world has been in chos snice I was born.I was focred to take milltary training and everytmilltI was even focred to get abuse.How ? Well lets say with no leaders or laws everything is fine to do.Our leaders said we and the world can slove our own problems.Well how did that work out. The world has always been mess up but this is wrost.You know we have more than 5 billon on the world now because of no laws. I always had hope that someone would help me and the world get back to the way it was. Lately I've been giving up hope.I know that no one will come help me even if they want to.Besides who with that type of power even real ?