black holes

It was nice and sunny outside, with brilliant rays of sunshine everywhere, the perfect day for gym class. We were playing basket ball. The teams were uneven since Lake Newstep had hurt her shoulder carrying to many books to school everyday. Not a very good start for a new transfer.
At the moment she was reading a heavy and thick book, watching her was hypnotising for she read so fast it was like a robot. Two seconds one page, turn head, two seconds, flip page and turn head, and so on. No one knew why she transfered schools, some people were scared of her since her face usually held and evil grin for one so cheerful. I admired her for having the top grades in the class and how well she read. I loved reading too but was definitely not as fast as her, we both read manga so we would give each other ideas of what to read next. I love manga so much she made my bow down on my knees so I had her approval to read one of her books, Blue Exorcist #1. I have no idea what I was thinking.
The ball was past my way and I dribbled it to the net and shot. Suddenly I felt someone watching me and I saw and evil grin on Lake's face. Uh oh.
"OW!!" I yelped as the ball landed squarely on my head. I turned my head in Lake's direction, she was shaking with laughter. I started laughing too, not because of the ball hitting my head, but because Lake's laugh sounds like a strangled monkey. Pretty soon everyone was laughing except our gym teacher. Her brown hair was wrapped tightly in a bun, a sour expression on her face. She lifted her clipboard and wrote something down.
"Get on with the game! It's not over yet!" She commanded. She glanced at Lake, "And you, put that book down! Even though you hurt your sholder, it doesn't mean that you can slack off and do whatever you want!" She yanked the book away. "Plus, I don't think someone of your age should be reading a dictionary!"
Lake jumped to her feet. "Its not a dictionary! Its a book about how gravity and black holes work!"
"Look, I'll give it back later but at least watch the game!" The gym teacher snapped.
"Fine..." She said and then her eyes stared into space.
We kept on playing the game and when it was my turn to shoot, I glanced over at Lake. "Lake!" I yelled at the top of my voice. "Stop glaring at me, are you trying to kill me?"
She suddenly realized what she looked like and yelled back. "Why YES, YES I AM!"
The gym teacher rudely interupted us with "Shoot the ball already!"
I huridly launced the ball at the hoop. "GOAL!!!" Someone cried.
Then the game started again. Our teacher had to leave us to attend something unimportant so we started kicking the ball and head-butting it to the hoop. When we realized the teacher would be gone for a while, Lake stood up. I ran over to her as she calmley strided through the middle of a game. Random thing soared by, yet Lake didn't even flinch on bit. A shoe hit her in the head yet still she showed no pain, no emotion.
I tapped her on the sholder and asked: "How can you do that?"
She just looked at me and replied: "I'm pretending I'm in the middle of a battle field and arrows and blood is shooting everywhere. If I flinch it would kill me." A firery red glow appered in her brown eyes.
We reached the other side of the court. This side was darker then the rest and the glow in her eyes reminded me of the devil. The glow grew into a blaze! Her eyes shown as she faced me and held her hand out to her side. Suddenly the basket ball zoomed towards her hand as fast as a bullet. I yelped a warning but her hand just caught it, her fingers grimping it so hard it bent.
The noise of the ball hitting her hand captivated the rest of the class. They stared at the girl that had laughed with them just that day clenched her hand so tight the ball started to crumble. We watched, frozen in place, as the ball dissolved into a pile of dust. We watched as her hand closed in a fist. And we watched as she raised that fist to the air like a token atmist a battle. And we watched as the glow in her eyes faded and she look at me in the eyes and said......"Good bye"
The next day at school, no one remembered her, but the book of black holes on my desk sent back memeories.
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