Your period should apear every day from now! You could get your period this month, or the following ones. Keep a tampon, just in case that this happens at school. You will find tutorials on how to do an emergency kit for school. Good luck!
Popular, pretty and perfect ,good life right, well for now focas on your studies instead of just partying. life dosent just include looks hon, you need studies two be nice to dorks and nerds, you can't just be mean because you don't know what people have been through, you could be tortureing someone who has gone through a death or suiside. Think of that next time.
You are an ok parent, you seem like you can get a little fistey some times. You need to understand that kids,don't like a parent who is bugging them, you don't always bug them but you bug them when they don't want to be bugged. But if you let your kids do what they want more,you will make a great parent. ?