The dress to impress lore is crazy…nurse Julie and Lana? Whoa- it’s fr turning from a cutesy game to horrifying 😭
on October 28
on October 28
f-cking cool dude so do I, wanna vc instead of using chat on dti? and do u wanna do reg server or Freeplay?
on October 28
on October 28
on October 28
on October 25
on October 21
I’m alive
on October 10
on October 09
on October 09
Leaving at 7 am to fly to the US eventually 💀 2 flights in one day 😔
on September 27
on September 27
on September 27
on September 27
skully uploaded a photo
on September 11
skully uploaded a photo
on September 11
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
You look like a squish
You are a squish
You are the superior squishy
Happy birthday tooooooo
Youuuuuuu See More
<33333 happy birthday squish :)))) 🥰
Happy birthday to you
You look like a squish
You are a squish
You are the superior squishy
Happy birthday tooooooo
Youuuuuuu See More
<33333 happy birthday squish :)))) 🥰
on September 11
on September 11
If you don’t have a good birthday I’ll make the people who made it miserable to ash >:( @TinyGoat
on September 11
on September 11
on September 11
on September 11
on September 07
French song I love <3 (with translation 🥰)
Ô ma douce souffrance (Oh my sweet suffering)
Pourquoi s'acharner tu recommences (Why do you hound me, incessantly)
Je ne suis qu'un être sans importance (I am just an unimportant person)
Sans lui je suis un peu paro (Without it I'm a bit lost)
Je déambule seule dans le métro (I wander alone in the subway)
Une dernière danse (A last dance) See More
Pour oublier ma peine immense (To forget my immense sorrow)
Je veux m'enfuir que tout recommence (I want to run away, for everything to begin again)
Oh ma douce souffrance (Oh my Sweet suffering)…
Ô ma douce souffrance (Oh my sweet suffering)
Pourquoi s'acharner tu recommences (Why do you hound me, incessantly)
Je ne suis qu'un être sans importance (I am just an unimportant person)
Sans lui je suis un peu paro (Without it I'm a bit lost)
Je déambule seule dans le métro (I wander alone in the subway)
Une dernière danse (A last dance) See More
Pour oublier ma peine immense (To forget my immense sorrow)
Je veux m'enfuir que tout recommence (I want to run away, for everything to begin again)
Oh ma douce souffrance (Oh my Sweet suffering)…
on September 01
I. Hate. School. Get. Me. Out. Of. Here. 😭
on August 27
on August 27
It still feel like a kids site even tho it isn’t anymore (or wasn’t to begin with ngl-) lol
on August 26
I still hate this shitty update like what the hell. They did their site fvcking wrong 😭 (they made it my favorite color but like) this is bullshit
on August 26
on August 26
on August 26