Yeah I like to NUT my girl
N Never stop loving her
U Understand her emotions
T Talk to her
N Never stop loving her
U Understand her emotions
T Talk to her
on April 08, 2018

Guy: Let me talk about dicks in awful, insane detail
Girl: K
Guy: Let me talk about how I took a shit and describe everything
Girl: K
Girl: I'm on my per-
Guy: uGH No one wAnts to hEaR about that! That's disgusting god just don't talk about it
Girl: Wtf
Girl: K
Guy: Let me talk about how I took a shit and describe everything
Girl: K
Girl: I'm on my per-
Guy: uGH No one wAnts to hEaR about that! That's disgusting god just don't talk about it
Girl: Wtf
on April 08, 2018

Yodeling Walmart Kid Meme/Lovesick Blues But Im Screaming The Lyrics
ALL I DO IS SIT AND SIIIEEEEIIIIIGGHH!!!!!! Join the journey to 1,000,000 subs to hear me scream the entire Bible (The New Testament): https://www.youtube.co...
on April 07, 2018

Oh my god everyone on the Roleplaying website is being their own characters
Why can't anyone ever Rp with me and they're a canon character too
I'm fuc king sick of Rping and I'm a canon character and they're some fuc king OC that either wants to hit on the character, or the OC is literally them because they want to hit on a character
I'm fuc king sick of it
I just want
A nice Rp
With a ship See More
That doesn't have any OC's, and it's all fine and dandy
Why can't anyone ever Rp with me and they're a canon character too
I'm fuc king sick of Rping and I'm a canon character and they're some fuc king OC that either wants to hit on the character, or the OC is literally them because they want to hit on a character
I'm fuc king sick of it
I just want
A nice Rp
With a ship See More
That doesn't have any OC's, and it's all fine and dandy

I'm so tired of being a character and having to do an Rp of where their OC hits it off with a canon character
If it was OC and OC
I'm cool
Canon and Canon?
Even better! See More
And the worst part is, is that I'm always the canon character
If it was OC and OC
I'm cool
Canon and Canon?
Even better! See More
And the worst part is, is that I'm always the canon character
on April 07, 2018

I just wanna nice RP, that I like and they like
I hardly ever like my Rps anymore because they're literally all me being a canon character and them being an OC
It gets annoying after some time
I just wanna nice RP, that I like and they like
I hardly ever like my Rps anymore because they're literally all me being a canon character and them being an OC
It gets annoying after some time
on April 07, 2018
on April 07, 2018

Why am I even following some people?
I look in my feed all the time and I just cringe and I just go "This is so annoying, this is so stupid, what the fuc k" and then I forget to unfollow them and it's just a never ending cycle
I look in my feed all the time and I just cringe and I just go "This is so annoying, this is so stupid, what the fuc k" and then I forget to unfollow them and it's just a never ending cycle
on April 07, 2018

South had a phase of being happy and cheerful at one point, she was smiling and laughing and made stupid jokes and stuff
That phase scares me
That phase scares me
on April 07, 2018

It's 1:20 am and I'm looking at memes while watching theory videos
What am I doing
What am I doing

on April 07, 2018
on April 07, 2018

He gave her a cornflower when they met the second time, telling her that flowers were important to keep one happy. That she looked a little tense and uptight the other day, and that she needed to relax for a bit. Being tense wasn't okay, even in battle. He told her a tip on battles and wars, leaning in and grinning while whispering, "Never be tense, never be afraid, never back down from the fight. Never show the enemy that you're afraid, show them a smile, show them your chest See More puffed out, show them an expression of serenity. Never be afraid, or else there will be something to be afraid of after." After he said that, she inhaled deeply, and puffed her chest out, earning a light laugh, and a pat on the head. He seemed proud of her for a second, then got word of a battle that was to take place soon. Waving her off, and walking away with his sword thrown over his shoulder. She couldn't help but stare in amaze as she backed away, finding that the man just earned an admirer. She wanted to be like him, she wanted to be an empire like him, she wanted to be fearless like him, she wanted to be strong like him.
Of course, the nation dissolved in 1947. He was weak during that time, his body didn't work properly when becoming more human. Instead of it slowly adjusting, it slammed on him like a bus. Blood spitting and coughing, bed ridden for a while, stumbling and having to lean against someone to walk. It was painful to witness, and she tried everything she could to help him. Sending him thousands upon thousands of flowers, sending him resources for basically free, offering a place to stay, and more. Her smile faltered when she remembered that she almost gave her part of the nation away. She didn't want to see the person who was so strong, just fall. Even if he did, she wanted him to be proud about it, to smile and puff his chest out. Just like he told her.
Of course, the nation dissolved in 1947. He was weak during that time, his body didn't work properly when becoming more human. Instead of it slowly adjusting, it slammed on him like a bus. Blood spitting and coughing, bed ridden for a while, stumbling and having to lean against someone to walk. It was painful to witness, and she tried everything she could to help him. Sending him thousands upon thousands of flowers, sending him resources for basically free, offering a place to stay, and more. Her smile faltered when she remembered that she almost gave her part of the nation away. She didn't want to see the person who was so strong, just fall. Even if he did, she wanted him to be proud about it, to smile and puff his chest out. Just like he told her.
on April 07, 2018

Bruh I think I kind of made the reason of why North is so close to Prussia more clear in this basement thing
on April 07, 2018

Okay but the Noognians going through their basements is something I want to write
on April 06, 2018

Okay but:
https://78.media.tumblr.com/a8ad339a432970f1a4c75ce41cb28f25/tumblr_oqvrrxs33X1ujw5nlo1_400.gif See More
https://78.media.tumblr.com/a8ad339a432970f1a4c75ce41cb28f25/tumblr_oqvrrxs33X1ujw5nlo1_400.gif See More
on April 06, 2018

Well why not
Me with my family: https://media.giphy.com/media/W8ieRAM0KEVeo/giphy.gif
Me with my friends: http://78.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6ve4xnm6r1qkhhy7.gif
Me with my crush: https://orig00.deviantart.net/6712/f/2012/330/e/f/hetalia___gif_prussia_is_a_perv___yaoi_by_hirako_f_w-d5m9nhn.gif
Me with my family: https://media.giphy.com/media/W8ieRAM0KEVeo/giphy.gif
Me with my friends: http://78.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6ve4xnm6r1qkhhy7.gif
Me with my crush: https://orig00.deviantart.net/6712/f/2012/330/e/f/hetalia___gif_prussia_is_a_perv___yaoi_by_hirako_f_w-d5m9nhn.gif
on April 06, 2018

I hate Disney
I hate it a lot
I hate all that shit
But if you fuc king dis on the Lion King
I will personally bitch smack you until you take it back
I hate it a lot
I hate all that shit
But if you fuc king dis on the Lion King
I will personally bitch smack you until you take it back

on April 05, 2018
on April 05, 2018

All y'all getting triggered over one picture
Literally one picture isn't going to make people go, "OhH mY GOWd I'mma cUT myESLF beecAUSE oF A PicTUE"
Like fuc king chill damn son
Literally one picture isn't going to make people go, "OhH mY GOWd I'mma cUT myESLF beecAUSE oF A PicTUE"
Like fuc king chill damn son

on April 05, 2018

Look, @King_of_Booty_Shorts your reply is really bugging me, it's somehow so long that you have to press see more to see the whole thing, but when you do it's literally the same quantity of letters as the words see more, otherwise i think that was a good reply
on April 05, 2018

It's like, I have a past with self harm
I have a lot of friends with that past too
We all can look at pictures like that, and just be like "Well I hope that person is okay now" we don't go crying because of it you know? People aren't delicate flowers who will literally harm themselves over a single picture
A constant reminder, yeah that'll do something
But a See More picture? Like, chill
I have a lot of friends with that past too
We all can look at pictures like that, and just be like "Well I hope that person is okay now" we don't go crying because of it you know? People aren't delicate flowers who will literally harm themselves over a single picture
A constant reminder, yeah that'll do something
But a See More picture? Like, chill
on April 05, 2018
on April 05, 2018

At first
East: Sorry, I panicked
North: That's perfectly Okay! We all panic sometimes
South: Don't let it happen again or else you will wake up without hands
East: Sorry I panicked
North: How many people did you kill? See More
South: How many countries did you dominate?
North: How many countries did you bang?
South: How many villages did you pillage and burn to the ground?
East: Sorry, I panicked
North: That's perfectly Okay! We all panic sometimes
South: Don't let it happen again or else you will wake up without hands
East: Sorry I panicked
North: How many people did you kill? See More
South: How many countries did you dominate?
North: How many countries did you bang?
South: How many villages did you pillage and burn to the ground?
on April 05, 2018

I don't need weapons to cause trouble
Just give me time alone with no adult supervision and there just might be the end of the world
Just give me time alone with no adult supervision and there just might be the end of the world
on April 04, 2018