Okay but East being able to hit all the high notes
Even in Phantom of the Opera
How did we find this out?
When the Noognians were singing along to it and tried to hit the high notes, but couldn't do it
Even in Phantom of the Opera
How did we find this out?
When the Noognians were singing along to it and tried to hit the high notes, but couldn't do it
on May 18, 2018

Honestly my parents are lit
They got me a 36 Prismacolor thing for my birthday and I didn't think they'd be this cool
*wipes tear*
They got me a 36 Prismacolor thing for my birthday and I didn't think they'd be this cool
*wipes tear*
on May 17, 2018

Someone tagged me to draw these awesome things and honestly I feel so proud and happy about this because
Oh my Andy
These prompts are beautiful
Oh my Andy
These prompts are beautiful
on May 16, 2018

Honestly sometimes this generation makes me question

We only see the good parts if we squint, but I assure you, they're real.
Plus, we haven't lived in other generations to realistically compare whether or not we got stuck with the short end of the stick.
For all we know, our ancestors would have killed for the life we live.
Plus, we haven't lived in other generations to realistically compare whether or not we got stuck with the short end of the stick.
For all we know, our ancestors would have killed for the life we live.
on May 15, 2018
on May 15, 2018

I should be practicing the piano but honestly I've been a bit down lately
Like, playing isn't as fun as it used to be
Neither is drawing
It's all kind of bland now and honestly it sucks
Like, playing isn't as fun as it used to be
Neither is drawing
It's all kind of bland now and honestly it sucks

We all feel depressed every now and then. Try to get some sunshine, they're like happiness drugs.
on May 15, 2018
on May 15, 2018

Thunder is cracking really bad
Wind is going up to 60 miles per hour
Weather channel is saying seek shelter and stay away from windows
*sips tea and look out of open window* bring it on
Wind is going up to 60 miles per hour
Weather channel is saying seek shelter and stay away from windows
*sips tea and look out of open window* bring it on
on May 15, 2018

How funny that a picture of a girl doing the do to herself is okay
But a girl having a funny face while saying how dank someones memes are isn't
*sips tea*
How very funny
But a girl having a funny face while saying how dank someones memes are isn't
*sips tea*
How very funny
on May 14, 2018

East: Yeah my hands are super soft and-
North: Bro your fingers are like sandpaper
East: m y h a n d s a r e s u p e r s o f t a n d-
North: I could sand down wood with how rough your finger tips are
East: M Y H A N D S A R E S U P E R S O F T
North: Bro your fingers are like sandpaper
East: m y h a n d s a r e s u p e r s o f t a n d-
North: I could sand down wood with how rough your finger tips are
East: M Y H A N D S A R E S U P E R S O F T
on May 14, 2018

on May 14, 2018

Honestly the Narnian's have so much detail that it's not even funny
*sips tea*
At least that shows that I care about them
*sips tea*
At least that shows that I care about them
on May 14, 2018

North: Athazagoraphobia, kakorrhaphiophobia, autophobia
South: Theophobia, lyssophobia,
East: Atychiphobia, Atelophobia, atelophobia, well with his panics, technically pantophobia
West: Thanatophobia, Dystychiphobia
South: Theophobia, lyssophobia,
East: Atychiphobia, Atelophobia, atelophobia, well with his panics, technically pantophobia
West: Thanatophobia, Dystychiphobia
on May 14, 2018

Let's play a game!
Whose hands are covering your eyes!?
North, or the hands of Death?!
Whose hands are covering your eyes!?
North, or the hands of Death?!
on May 12, 2018

Ahhaaa let's get North into this and expect DETAIL
Name: Alexandria Muimina
Nicknames: North, Alex, or Blood Hound
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Personality: She's smart, but also really dumb. She's mainly silly and does stupid things/and says stupid things, just to get a laugh. Sweet, kind, caring, almost motherly in a way, tries to help everyone and doesn't care about the results on her self, giving, sacrificing (like if someone is in trouble, she'll leap in to help even if she's See More seconds away from dying).
Weaknesses: Okay let's make this clear, Alex can't feel some things due to her skin being so cold, her eyesight is trash because she's albino (but she wears blue contacts to try and make up for it). She can't run fast, and she doesn't have much upper arm strength. Her heart is so sensitive that if she get's attached to anyone, then she'll risk her life most of the time to try to help them, hell she'll do that for random people too. She's quite slow when it comes to interactions with others, mostly because her main goal is to make others happy or laugh, not to have a real conversation. Such as,
Person: Hey! How are you?
Alex: I inhaled a small tomato and I think I'm growing a plant inside of me now.
Strengths: She's one hell of a good companion if she likes someone. Because two of her senses are messed up, that means that another is heightened. And that's her nose. This girl can small a bowl of pasta in the woods two and a half miles out, and still be able to tell you all of the ingredients. She's very knowledgeable on things that involve history, geography, and knows many many languages as a result of years and years of studying. Alex is strong in the legs, to kind of make up for her arms being weak.
(To make it easier)
Physical Strength: 5/10
Emotional Strength: 2/10
Intelligence: 9/10
Speed: 3/10
Accuracy: 8/10
Dodge: 9/10 (as she mainly dodges her own attacks, but literally always jumps in the way for someone she enjoys)
Weapon: Knives, daggers, or whatever else that has a blade. To make it simple, she would probably have a long sword.
Looks: https://pre00.deviantart.net/85dc/th/pre/i/2017/314/0/3/northern_narnia_by_northern_narnia-dbtdusj.jpg https://northern-narnia.deviantart.com/art/New-art-style-North-736449049 annnd https://northern-narnia.deviantart.com/art/Draw-The-Squad-Number-1-744529486 (the girl with the braid)
Now that's how you make a character
Name: Alexandria Muimina
Nicknames: North, Alex, or Blood Hound
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Personality: She's smart, but also really dumb. She's mainly silly and does stupid things/and says stupid things, just to get a laugh. Sweet, kind, caring, almost motherly in a way, tries to help everyone and doesn't care about the results on her self, giving, sacrificing (like if someone is in trouble, she'll leap in to help even if she's See More seconds away from dying).
Weaknesses: Okay let's make this clear, Alex can't feel some things due to her skin being so cold, her eyesight is trash because she's albino (but she wears blue contacts to try and make up for it). She can't run fast, and she doesn't have much upper arm strength. Her heart is so sensitive that if she get's attached to anyone, then she'll risk her life most of the time to try to help them, hell she'll do that for random people too. She's quite slow when it comes to interactions with others, mostly because her main goal is to make others happy or laugh, not to have a real conversation. Such as,
Person: Hey! How are you?
Alex: I inhaled a small tomato and I think I'm growing a plant inside of me now.
Strengths: She's one hell of a good companion if she likes someone. Because two of her senses are messed up, that means that another is heightened. And that's her nose. This girl can small a bowl of pasta in the woods two and a half miles out, and still be able to tell you all of the ingredients. She's very knowledgeable on things that involve history, geography, and knows many many languages as a result of years and years of studying. Alex is strong in the legs, to kind of make up for her arms being weak.
(To make it easier)
Physical Strength: 5/10
Emotional Strength: 2/10
Intelligence: 9/10
Speed: 3/10
Accuracy: 8/10
Dodge: 9/10 (as she mainly dodges her own attacks, but literally always jumps in the way for someone she enjoys)
Weapon: Knives, daggers, or whatever else that has a blade. To make it simple, she would probably have a long sword.
Looks: https://pre00.deviantart.net/85dc/th/pre/i/2017/314/0/3/northern_narnia_by_northern_narnia-dbtdusj.jpg https://northern-narnia.deviantart.com/art/New-art-style-North-736449049 annnd https://northern-narnia.deviantart.com/art/Draw-The-Squad-Number-1-744529486 (the girl with the braid)
Now that's how you make a character
on May 12, 2018

on May 12, 2018

Honestly looking through my old pictures is actually pretty funny
You get to see how I've evolved over the years
You get to see how I've evolved over the years
on May 12, 2018