in class i almost got hit by a table and my friends thought it was funny and i thought it was funny and i was spinning and i fell all of my friends and i laughed that it was funny and i twisted my ankle a little and the hole thing was sooooo hilarious plz commet #LOL if it is funny trust me it is hilarious!
on August 21, 2014

i am very bored at the moment
i someone on that i can chat to on here
i someone on that i can chat to on here
on August 20, 2014

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Which Taylor Swift Song Would You Like?
on August 20, 2014

hey i cannot get the song "its my birthday" with the lyrics "its my birthday its my birthday i am gonna spend my money its my birthday its my birthday i am gonna spend with my honey". it is annoying me alot can someone tell me to get it out of my head please someone HHHHHEEEEELLLLLLLLPPPPPP MMMMMEEEEE NNNNOOOOOWWWW.
on August 19, 2014

it is my birthday today and i love my presents and i love them all so much and i love everyone celobrating with me and i want to share with my followers aswell and there is another surprise that my perents is going to show me and they would not tell me what we are going today. i love my birthday. the craziest present that i always get is same brand shampoo and conditioner and the weirdes present that my perents gave me is a pillow that look likes a boomerang so thank you every See More one that make my sweet 15 a bit more special.
on August 11, 2014

hour away till i have my hair done with my hair done with blonde streaks wish me good luck everybody
on August 07, 2014

i am going to have londe streaksthis afternoon and cannot wait because this is my second time. last time i did it it was in year seven and i asked my mom if i wanted blonde streakes again and now i am having it again today cannot wait. going to look diffrent with my hair and look at my pics soon what my hair going to looklike please comment and like if it cood or very good on me. wish me good luck everyone
on August 07, 2014

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Which One Direction Boy Would Date You?
on August 07, 2014

who is on
i am very bored
i kinda want to talk to someone
i am very bored
i kinda want to talk to someone
on August 06, 2014

*jumps in* HELLO!!!
on August 06, 2014

hey i have been having a stomach ache since 11 and i left school because it was so bad that i had to leaveand i am bit more better now so i am alright
on August 05, 2014