on October 14, 2014

i am the craziest person cause i did a crazy thang just then (at 1:20) as a joke and it is crazy and now i should get back to my friends and i am at school by the way
on October 07, 2014

hey everybody it is the last day of school holidays here in australia and it is soooooo annoying to go back to school but i REALLY REALLY REALLY miss my friend named nick from ny school and i REALLY VERY REALLY VERY miss @lpayn78 very much he is best to talk to and i can help you with your troubles and hope the hole term 4 for me would be quick and next year grade 10 and would be amazing and plz dont ask so hope everyone would have a best term 1, 2, 3 or 4 wherever it is hope See More you have the best term of your life and tell me what term you are in and what country you are in because i just said that bcause i am very bored and hope you describe to this and hope everyone have a nice day, nice term and nice year well nice everything and have a nice day
on October 06, 2014

on October 05, 2014

any songs that is recently new
on September 28, 2014

I love school holydays and it is the very best to have and do things that you wanna do.
No school work and no school and no wrighting.
But there is one thing i really want the school holidays to be over because I really want to be with my close friend right now because i miss him already very bad.
I started school holidays saturday on the 20th september and I will finish on the monday 6th october.
I love school holydays and it is the very best to have and do things that you wanna do.
No school work and no school and no wrighting.
But there is one thing i really want the school holidays to be over because I really want to be with my close friend right now because i miss him already very bad.
I started school holidays saturday on the 20th september and I will finish on the monday 6th october.
on September 27, 2014

added a
quiz to the
favorite list

Which one direction member are you? (1)
on September 27, 2014

the show 'RIDICULOSNESS' is really hilarious like you wanna visit the loo (loo = what i mean = toilet) and wanna watch it oer and over and over again everyone should watch it

When I have time, I promised i would watch fairy tail, and I just watched one episode of doctor Who which I was planning to do for a while
on September 24, 2014
on September 24, 2014

any new songs latley cause the creator maybe going on the xfactor
on September 18, 2014

shannon_is_famous asked a question
are you in a 'more than a close friends' who is in a more than a close friends type of ...
on September 15, 2014

hey who loves free time in class to stuff on the internet in class in school times weel i do and i love it and it is awesome
on September 11, 2014

in class doin this and i am allowed yay this is the best and the best replacement teacher ever she lets me on here while doin study ladder i hate study ladder
on September 03, 2014

hey guys i know i have not been here sometimes ok it is hbecause of school work facebook and other things that i couldnt move me away on here so i apologise everybody for that have been txting me for a while and i did not reply to it for a little while i have heaps of things to do but i will come back on asap and i will promise you and sometimes i cant go on here because of homework and stuff because i am going in grade 10 next year so i apologise for that ok hope you come and See More txt me some day and if you have facebook pease contact me first on here and if i got the txt on here then i will look you up on facebook soo hope i do another message on how i am doing guys and i alright just scratch my knee at school at least it was on my right knee not my left so keep in touch everybody.
on September 01, 2014

shannon_is_famous asked a question

instroments time! who here plays an instroment because i just not want to be not the on...
on August 22, 2014