pokemon quiz! (1) kk first of all this will be hard for beginers but not to hard for experts!!! this will consider some hard and easy hope u enjoy! xxredfeatherx published on July 13, 2014 Stacked 1/5 what is flying type immune to? water ground fairy 2/5 what are the starers from 2nd generation treeko, tepig, froakie! torchic, chespin, and mewtwo! totodile, cyndaquil, chickorita! 3/5 now its gonna get hard what tier is luxary in? uu ou nu lc 4/5 what was the first episode of pokemon called pikachu i choose you! pokemon i choose you! pikachu! the first pokemon! 5/5 if a charizard has perfect ivs what is a good thing to have attack and speed sp.atk and speed hp and sp.def