Mapping the Human Footprint Explore the fascinating patterns of how and why humans are spread across the planet. Delve into factors influencing population distribution. ghostman published on October 15, 2024 Stacked 1/9 What is the term for the number of people living per unit area? Demographic transition Population pyramid Population density Urbanization 2/9 Which continent has the highest population density? Europe Asia Africa South America 3/9 Which of the following regions is known for having a high rural population density? Sahara Desert Rocky Mountains Nile River Delta Amazon Basin 4/9 Which human activity most significantly influences population distribution in coastal areas? Fishing and trade Mining Mountain climbing Deforestation 5/9 Which country has a significant portion of its population living in megacities? Australia Argentina Norway Japan 6/9 Which concept emphasizes the impact of disease on population distribution? Agricultural revolution Epidemiological transition Climate change Urban sprawl 7/9 What is the most populated country in the world as of 2023? India China United States Indonesia 8/9 What is a key reason for sparse population in the Arctic region? Frequent earthquakes Harsh climate conditions Lack of natural resources No historical settlements 9/9 Urbanization primarily affects population distribution by: Lowering death rates Decreasing rural population Encouraging space exploration Increasing birth rates