Pokemon what champion belongs to what region quiz Do you know which champion belongs to what region? Lets find out shall we! >:3 Tariyukimew published on March 18, 2014 Stacked 1/6 who was the champion of the kanto League Diantha Steven/Wallace Lance Iris/Alder Cynthia Blue/Green 2/6 who was the champion of the Unova League Blue/Green Diantha Iris/Alder Cynthia Steven/Wallace Lance 3/6 Who was the champion of the Johto League Steven/Wallace Iris/Alder Cynthia Lance Blue/Green Diantha 4/6 who was the champion of the Sinnoh League Cynthia Diantha Iris/Alder Steven/Wallace Lance Blue/Green 5/6 who was the champion of the Hoenn League Lance Steven/Wallace Blue/Green Cynthia Diantha Iris/Alder 6/6 Who was the champion of the Kalos League Blue/Green Steven/Wallace Cynthia Lance Diantha Iris/Alder