Can you spell as good as I can? Caaaan you? Maybe you can.. Maybe you can't, Idk find out here TAKE IT! KatHoran published on June 01, 2013 Stacked 1/6 This word is spelled incorrectly: didaskelinapobia What's the correct spelling? Dediskalanaphobia Didaskaleinaphobia Didaskelinapobia 2/6 Wha is the fear of washing or having Ba'ath? How do you spell it? Ablutophobia Ablootapoba Abutophobia 3/6 Incorrect spelling:bollasticordiograph Bollistocordoogroph Billisticirdigriph Ballistocardiograph 4/6 Incorrect spelling: zagziggery Zigziggery Zigzaggery Zagzaggery 5/6 Incorrect spelling: flagelifris Flagelluferous Flagelliferous Flagilifirous 6/6 Bye! Doesn't affect your answer Bye! Bye!! Bye!!!