sassysophie asked a question
Is the perfect body image real? I would like to know your thoughts on this matter and w...
on April 03, 2016

Sapphirethehedgehog, ohhh surge lool

XD get out, btw if you want to tag anyone you have to put @ in front of the name aka @sassysophie :P
on April 05, 2016
on March 25, 2016

i'd like to say thankyou for my followers if any one needs help just ask
on March 25, 2016

sassysophie asked a question
Ways of stopping yourself Self harming After having personal experience with self harmi...
on March 19, 2016

Writing my first story hope to finish it this weekend, I would seriously recommend it and also recommend stories by thesapphirehedgehog
on March 12, 2016

i'm popular

Happily!!!! :D and I am awesome! B) I am the awesomist awesome that ever awesomed
on March 09, 2016

on March 09, 2016
on March 09, 2016