You know it’s friendship when you’re agressivily yelling at each other to sleep at 3am in the morning on tumblr
on January 21, 2019

Stranger at work: There’s too many gay people!
My pansexual ass: *sweats profusely*
My pansexual ass: *sweats profusely*
on December 31, 2018

More good news: I came out to my mum as Pansexual...she's okay with it :D Confused and a little uncomfortable- but okay!

1. Mmmmmmm lemme check- yep! Definitely pan! Sorry if that upsets you, buddy!
2. Pansexual means I will date someone regardless of their gender, why specifically ‘her’?
3. I’m single :P
2. Pansexual means I will date someone regardless of their gender, why specifically ‘her’?
3. I’m single :P
on December 28, 2018
on December 20, 2018

I'm starting to get my offers back from my Unis! Lincoln has given me a conditional :O I was a whole grade under why would they-
on December 20, 2018

...Geez, this website is so different to when I first joined. What happened?

on December 12, 2018
on December 07, 2018

Name: Sapphire
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Power(no over powered well powers): Super speed
Weapons: Can use a bow and arrow, but hasn't had practice in years
Survival skills(out of 0/10): 7
Speed(0/10): 10 See More
Strength (0/10): 4
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Power(no over powered well powers): Super speed
Weapons: Can use a bow and arrow, but hasn't had practice in years
Survival skills(out of 0/10): 7
Speed(0/10): 10 See More
Strength (0/10): 4
on December 04, 2018

cool i'm british
on December 02, 2018

Greetings once again.

Yeah ^.^U I’ve actually attempted to pop on it once or twice but felt a little weird just being like “sO YOU KNOW HOW WEVE JUST LEFT THIS FOR A MONTH-?! I WANNA DO STUFF-“
on November 01, 2018
on October 27, 2018

OH, wow! Someone from the old days is back on Qfeast!?!?! :D

Tbh Im not sure if Im from the old days... but my old account definitely is! (Sorry for butting into your conversation)
on November 24, 2018

I’m good! I’ve been busy so my time on here as largely gone down and ikr! Gosh it’s amazing to talk to you again :D
on October 22, 2018

on October 12, 2018

I mean, I just started looking around Qfeast again a few days ago, but it's still a pleasant surprise to see that not everyone is gone!
on October 12, 2018
on October 12, 2018

on September 24, 2018

Anyone cute: *winks*
Me: *glitches in pansexual*
Me: *glitches in pansexual*

Of course we’re friends, I just- *dRAMATIC SIGH* am bombarded with school work and essays galore, enough to poverty my life in the lack of social interactions.... (hehe)
Of course we’re friends, I just- *dRAMATIC SIGH* am bombarded with school work and essays galore, enough to poverty my life in the lack of social interactions.... (hehe)
on September 11, 2018

Do you not care about me Amy? I thought we were friends! *CasuallyusedtobeanAgradedramagcsestudentthingsoheckingoodatdrama*
on September 11, 2018
on September 11, 2018

sapphirethehedgehog asked a question

Own Character Auditions for New Story! First of all, thank you for clicking! Second, he...
on September 08, 2018

I’m thinking...would people like it if I did an interactive story? It would involve your OCs, different links to different stories depending on your choices, and it’s all up to you whether you live or die along with the other characters, whose in??

on September 08, 2018

on September 04, 2018
on September 04, 2018

Fandom name: Sanders sides
Why it's the best thing in the world:
The fandom is the least toxic thing I have ever seen. Ever just want a break from all the drama? The Sanders Sides are sweet and pure.
Where to start: Type in Thomas Sanders in YouTube, you’ll find em
Similar (or what else you might like): All the rest of Thomas’ videos??? He’s an angel???
Why it's the best thing in the world:
The fandom is the least toxic thing I have ever seen. Ever just want a break from all the drama? The Sanders Sides are sweet and pure.
Where to start: Type in Thomas Sanders in YouTube, you’ll find em
Similar (or what else you might like): All the rest of Thomas’ videos??? He’s an angel???
on August 27, 2018

So ever since I came out to my friends, they’ve just been sending me gay memes? Like on the daily. From at least 3 people. When I finally asked one they said “I can’t really relate to this much so I send it to you instead.” “What about the others?” “...Wait other people are sending them to?” KEBTOWHEIEHEJEHRIE

on August 27, 2018
on August 27, 2018

Have you not seen my texts..?

Very XD I’m going into 6th form tomorrow to see if I can get anywhere but if not ima drop
on August 17, 2018

It’s okay ? I might not be able to get into a Uni now, but it just means I’m gonna have to find a job and work my way up that way
on August 16, 2018
on August 16, 2018

Happy to rp if anyone’s interested :D
on August 16, 2018