rosalie13hale added a new chapter to he didn't tell me
The first time Marcus bought me red dress I thought it was because I looked good in red but now I think it is because he likes red. I am fed up of the red dress,red blouse,red skirt etc. Today I am going to meet his siblings for the first time.As we are engaged I guess it time our families know each other.My mother said"such a wonderful family, even though it only has his siblings. they are brought up nicely"
I agreed to marry him for two reasons. The first one is Marcus we have been dating f... Read Full Chapter
I agreed to marry him for two reasons. The first one is Marcus we have been dating f... Read Full Chapter
on May 12, 2017

rosalie13hale added a new chapter to he didn't tell me
julia - i luv her
i don't know how my expression. being the youngest sister has always made me pray to get a brother and i always imagined a brother like this. i gave a smile to him but this was not like the last one it was the from the heart and i guess he understood it for he smiled at me and said "thanks for understanding "
"morning zoe "
"morning peter"
"so, how was ur date with marcus ?"
"date? how come u know about that?"
"oh geez he had a crush on u for quite a time . almost all the guys know about... Read Full Chapter
"morning zoe "
"morning peter"
"so, how was ur date with marcus ?"
"date? how come u know about that?"
"oh geez he had a crush on u for quite a time . almost all the guys know about... Read Full Chapter
on May 08, 2017

rosalie13hale added a new chapter to he didn't tell me
I looked at myself again ok so i looked gud in red. i can't believe marcus noted it when i didn't.and he has gud selection. the red dress is so gorgeous i just love it. but i still don't know why i am going with him today.i guess it was because for the past 6 years i haven't been on a date and i wanted to get right on the track of dating.okay dokey. this is it.
where the heck was marcus ?? i am in front of my house and i don't even have a coat. didn't expect it to be this cold.i know marcus... Read Full Chapter
where the heck was marcus ?? i am in front of my house and i don't even have a coat. didn't expect it to be this cold.i know marcus... Read Full Chapter
on May 03, 2017

rosalie13hale added a new chapter to he didn't tell me
"yeah sure"
"uhh well i know u for the past 2 yrs"
"umm we haven't talked much and i am sure u are wondering why"
why?everyone knows that the editing section and the distributing section have regular fights because when a month's magazine rate comes low all blame the distribution section for it they in turn blame the editing section saying "it is the cover page it is not gud enough the editing section is for no good"then we start a fight. but i have never seen marcus joining the fight... Read Full Chapter
"uhh well i know u for the past 2 yrs"
"umm we haven't talked much and i am sure u are wondering why"
why?everyone knows that the editing section and the distributing section have regular fights because when a month's magazine rate comes low all blame the distribution section for it they in turn blame the editing section saying "it is the cover page it is not gud enough the editing section is for no good"then we start a fight. but i have never seen marcus joining the fight... Read Full Chapter
on May 02, 2017

rosalie13hale added a new chapter to he didn't tell me
I looked at the clock oh my god it is 9:5. i am 5 minutes late.Then i looked at Julia she was looking at me as if i was an experiment. i said "julia stop looking at me like that we are 5 minutes late" julia's expression changed but i don't know into wat then she said"u are late and u made me late doesn't matter i told peter to lag the meeting so don't worry come let us go"
I have always been into following rules but now i am not so sure wat i should do. julia was driving the car so fast that... Read Full Chapter
I have always been into following rules but now i am not so sure wat i should do. julia was driving the car so fast that... Read Full Chapter
on May 01, 2017

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what nicky ricky dicky and dawn character are you
on April 29, 2017

rosalie13hale asked a question

cinderella doubt according to the tale her dress, chariot and everything else will turn...
on April 28, 2017

rosalie13hale asked a question
is pregnancy very painful i am very tensed i am just 13 not pregnant .had not,or will n...
on April 27, 2017