New download link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/16301384/Austin%20Powers%20%27Soul%20Bossa%20Nova%27%20Theme%20%28Flavours%20Remix%29%20WAVE.wav
Any description I write will not be sexy enough for Austin Powers
Original track I sampled was performed by the Starlight Orchestra (written by the Boss Man Quincy Jones)

for all the austin powers fans
on June 17, 2016
on June 17, 2016

on June 17, 2016

on June 17, 2016

name: atermis
ability: immortal and blood magic
clothing: black trench coat with a gray scarf See More
personality: likes to mess around and very sarcastic
backstory: he was practicing with blood magic one day and he wanted to try a spell out and ended up casting it on himself he cursed himself immortality but he can kind of die when he is struck with a fatal blow he shatters into glass but in about thirty minutes he comes back together but with a new scar on his body where he was struck
name: atermis
ability: immortal and blood magic
clothing: black trench coat with a gray scarf See More
personality: likes to mess around and very sarcastic
backstory: he was practicing with blood magic one day and he wanted to try a spell out and ended up casting it on himself he cursed himself immortality but he can kind of die when he is struck with a fatal blow he shatters into glass but in about thirty minutes he comes back together but with a new scar on his body where he was struck
on June 17, 2016
on June 17, 2016
on June 17, 2016
on June 17, 2016

my mum said that is was beautiful when i was born and then i looked at her and she threw up on me and then I thought wait aren't I supposed to throw up on you and at that moment I realized I'm ugly af. I'm also one of those fags who post cancerous memes to redit because i think I'm to good to use ifunny gad I'm fuking cancer
on June 16, 2016

on June 16, 2016

People say that if you want to win a fight you roast others but how I win fights is that I roast myself and everybody falls done laughing and dies
on June 16, 2016

gudnight my legends

@oOGoddessKittyOo oh I'm sorry that was meant for someone else and as a joke my thumbs are to fuking big for this iPad
on June 16, 2016
on June 16, 2016

on June 16, 2016
on June 16, 2016

on June 16, 2016

sorry but i am a huge game of thrones nerd but please if you love gamethrones too follow me and we'll be best friends
on June 16, 2016
on June 16, 2016
on June 16, 2016