congrats on being #2 qfeaster of the day 2 days in a row! ^.^

Ikr! ...
on August 07, 2015
on August 07, 2015

added a
quiz to the
favorite list

What color eyes should you have been born with?
on August 07, 2015

on August 07, 2015

added a
quiz to the
favorite list

Which wedding theme should you have?
on August 07, 2015

on August 07, 2015

congrats on #2 qfeaster of the day! YOUR DOING GREAT!
on August 07, 2015

"These words I say mean
Your so amazig
and ive noticed lately
I need you mabye "
~ed sheeran~
<how ifeel about him>
Your so amazig
and ive noticed lately
I need you mabye "
~ed sheeran~
<how ifeel about him>
on August 06, 2015

Im kinda mad rite now and debating leaving qfeast cuz ive been really sad lately and posted a bunch of stuff but nobody even batted an eyelash mabye I sound stupid or selfish but idc mabye I am stupid and selfish imonly human I hurt and somtimes Iim not strong enough to do it my own if anyone takes the time to read this and my other stuff mabye ill decide to stay but idk i have been upset lately aand idk if I want to do much of anything well im sorry if I sound like an attention See More whore call me that if youd like idc anymore

Yeah ive had the feeling but today s been good ... I met someone look at profile @KatyKazooo
on August 22, 2015

Haha thanks :) today is a happy day im so happy all the depression just went away somehow @katykazooo
on August 22, 2015
on August 06, 2015

on August 06, 2015

randomfandom added a poll to the starred list

If you could have lunch with 5 people dead or alive who would it be?
on August 06, 2015