Heyo! Everyone

Really? I'm a weakling? Well that's insulting.X-(
on March 26, 2014
on March 24, 2014

rainbow_dashie123 added a new chapter to Anna's tale(pony version)

Elsa's end
Anna ran to her sisters room to see Hans jump out the window and Elsa lying dead on her bead with ice in her hands she was close to being out of breath but whispered something in Anna's ear. Here Anna take care of the kingdom and keep my iceee. . . . now she was actually dead. Anna's life was never the same and the kingdom was never the same again. Sadly this is the end of my story (p.s.this is a fake story) The End
Read Full Chapter
on March 21, 2014

rainbow_dashie123 added a new chapter to Anna's tale(pony version)

A time of decete and treachery
Elsa had gone to the nearest house she could find but it looked like a tree to be honest not a house." Hello? Anyone home home home(there was an echo)" she yelled. The ground shook and Anna was screaming her name. She woke up and ran to Anna's room to see her yelling in her sleep. That's where you came in. Elsa went back to her room and fell asleep, but Hans was behind her. . .
To be continued. . . Read Full Chapter
To be continued. . . Read Full Chapter
on March 21, 2014

rainbow_dashie123 added a new chapter to Anna's tale(pony version)

Elsa's tale
Anna was dreaming thought Elsa and I was to. After anna went to sleep she had gone to sleep as well and was in a pony place surrounded with guards." Help! Get me out! Anna! Kristoff! Anyone! Noooooooooooooooooooo!" She saw an open window and jumped out. This is where it gets interesting.
Read Full Chapter
on March 21, 2014

Wassup yo!
on March 18, 2014

Ooh I have one! Boochaja hoochacka booboono. Well I suppose it's 3 new words but hey whose counting:p
on March 15, 2014

We love puppies yes we do we love puppies so do you?
on March 15, 2014

Nobody likes me. Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!:-(

on March 13, 2014
on March 12, 2014

Amazing guys I love it
on March 08, 2014

Hi splat and katniss lover

why are you mean to lizzy? fourchin tellers are sumtime rong too you know next thing you know you are going to be all alone for being mean
on March 08, 2014
on March 05, 2014

Love my page me lovers?

why are you mean to lizzy f**** you bich your such an ass friend are a big thing in your life and you messed up your such a bich and deal with it
on March 08, 2014
on March 02, 2014