What is your top three favorite movies? My favorites include Ghostbusters(old ones),Rob...

You have one wish make a wish...

Does anyone want to be in keinoa's story If so Name: Age: Powers: Human or mobian: Frie...

How many musicals do you know? I need to know this for a math project of collecting dat...

How does one say yeet in the past tense? This is very important for me to know.
whats a fandom?
What is America like? I'm moving to America on may 17th after living in Asia for the ma...

Who's your favorite The Amazing World of Gumball character? Just wondering what your fa...

What type of cookies does everyone like? I like chocolate chip and samoas cookies

Do looks matter? (read desc) I am highly confused if looks matter, my friends do not li...

Who is your crush (s)?

could you please awnser this ? hi
Team Arika or Team Axis? Simple as. Pick one. Arika is a fûcking bitchy savage as fûck...

whats ur fandoms lmao tell meee
What would you do if someone told you"if you ever get lonely, look up at the sky"? im j...
Can you tell me a really good joke? Tell me a random joke you know. I'm trying to think...

Do you really have depression!?! I don't think so, nope you are just going along with t...
What's a song which gives you summer vibes Needn't be your fav but a song which makes m...