What can I get my boyfriend for his 16st birthday? My boyfriend is turning 16 and we've been dating for a while now. I'm buying him a photo frame with a cute photo of us for our anniversary but I don't know what to get him for his birthday. What do guys like? Please don't tell me it depends on the guy (I know it does but I just need some ideas right now). He's not into video games, but he is into sport. Please help!
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Maybe you can buy him new gear?
Tickets to his favorite game?
MONEY!!! Because then you're able to spend it on whatever the heck he wants
Tickets to his favorite game?
MONEY!!! Because then you're able to spend it on whatever the heck he wants
on May 10, 2017
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Tickets to his favorite team game, just for the two of you, maybe, if he is on a team, a new jersey, or a new ball.
on October 27, 2015