Why do people bully me because I'm emo?
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I think they are jerks it does not stop you from being you.

I think they are jerks to buy I can't help but sometimes believe them that I'm a freak or something..

Ok ok I won't
on June 01, 2015
Well don't because that makes you feel insecure and nobody should make you feel like that!
on June 01, 2015
on June 01, 2015
on June 01, 2015
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Look. Jerks who do that are mother *swear word*! Anybody could be EMO. I *another swear word*ing hate how people do that. In fact, anybody can be who they want. When I saw this, my heart broke. I will seriously follow you and like all of your stuff if this doesn't help. Anybody can be who they want. We all have weak spots and we all have strong spots. Don't let them son of boogers get to ya. I bet you're the nicest person on Earth. A tear is rolling down my face... At least now See More you know that.. The people who commented on this care for you. You deserve better. Please... I hope this helps you. :(

I'm sorry i didn't respond sooner..thank you that made me feel a lot better i was going through a really tough time..thank you bunches though, i try to be super nice to people. :">
on April 25, 2016
on November 29, 2015