i dont like my long time friend no more. okay i have a friend i have been knowing for 3 years and last might she got on my nerves on kik. so last night she told me she was texting my old friend chaffew, shes never met the kid and she was texting him, but i was wondering how she got his kik but he was wondering to. so i asked her to put him in a group chat i kept on asking she kept saying no, so she said if he ask tell him im in 7th grade cause hes in 7th grade so i texted him and said shes in fifth grade so i told her that itold him she was in fifth grade. she got angry called me ugly a fag which offended me cause im neither of those things, so i called her a stupid 10 year old lil girl trying to get a 12 year old boy that shes never gonna see. but im scared to talk to her cause shes so ghetto and i dont wanna talk to her cause she made me mad. so what should i do i mean we live next door to eachother.
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Hmm ... Well what you could do is tell her how you feel about the way she treats you, and also even if she's ghetto it's ok :) just try to keep her calm and talk it out :D really hoped this work!
on November 23, 2014
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If she's so bad, just avoid her and if she approaches you, talk don't yell, lecture, or diss; that'll only make things worse. If she's such a pain just walk away.
on October 22, 2014
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It was one falling out, yesterday. Make up with her, it's not an on going thing if you don't want it to be. Besides it's not a major error or anyone's fault, she's just annoying for one evening.

no but shes always bossy and telling what to do i dont listen. just lately shes been a huge butt

on October 23, 2014

on October 23, 2014

on October 23, 2014

Don't get her back. If you don't want to be friends with her cos she's just tiring, or not a good friend to be with, then don't hang out with her. But don't let her change you and wear you down to make you her level.
on October 22, 2014

@nightcat i saw her today when i was taking out the trash, we live nextdoor to eachother, she was staring at me i giggled like in A TOUGH WAY, hahaha, like that, and i said wassup she was silent, so i said mmmmmmm..... but on the message she did say she did not like goin outside cause of me. but shes always laughin at me but every once in a while she calls me See More stupid or gay, but i always get her back, but sometimes i wanna go in the house cause shes mean
on October 22, 2014
on October 22, 2014
on October 21, 2014
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It doesn't show the subscribe button idk why

just find it
on October 21, 2014
on October 21, 2014
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Well don't try to avoid the problem cause that makes it worse!
And tell her calling people ugly faggs is offensive and that if she's gonna be treating you like that say don't bother talking to me or being my friend! Cause your one of those rude people who like trolling and she's trying to control you also! Don't let her do that to you! That's what happened to me and I ended up losing some friends because of her so I had to let her go.
And tell her calling people ugly faggs is offensive and that if she's gonna be treating you like that say don't bother talking to me or being my friend! Cause your one of those rude people who like trolling and she's trying to control you also! Don't let her do that to you! That's what happened to me and I ended up losing some friends because of her so I had to let her go.

i will follow you @SilverMistTheHedgehog and can you subscribe to my page
on October 21, 2014

thanks @SilverMistTheHedgehog
on October 21, 2014
on October 21, 2014