If you could go into any anime, TV show,game, or book which one would you go into and why? Be specific.
Answers (7)
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Psycho-Pass. Even thought the sybl system is flawed, I still think it has a good crime-system thing, and I think I'd feel secure in a world like that.

on October 04, 2015
on October 03, 2015
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I would choose Steven Universe because even though it's innocent it has a deep story line, great music, and amazing design. I wanna be a part of that.
on October 03, 2015
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Is it Oky if I saw a few , I have a few that I like.
Survivors because so I can become a dog and become part of the pack
Chicago Fire And 9-1-1 because so I can become a actor in the accidents
Survivors because so I can become a dog and become part of the pack
Chicago Fire And 9-1-1 because so I can become a actor in the accidents
on May 13, 2019
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Psycho-pass just to meet Makishima and Kamui and see how they where so good at changeing peoples colors
on October 05, 2015
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Psycho Pass because it's really good and it takes place in the future. I don't know how to explain why I'd want to go but it's really cool
on October 04, 2015