Is this normal? I been gaining a accent but in a extremely odd way I know it's most likely from watching too much hetalia but often when I talk at random times a different accent takes place like sometimes when I say and it's "und" instead sometimes it will sound like I have a German accent and other times a British accent and Australian accent sometimes and heck sometimes even Italian and Irish so basically when I talk at random times my words will have no accent then the next word does have a accent to it it doesn't feel right when the accent comes around but I can't help it..is this normal? Or have I just watched so much hetalia it's gone to my head?
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It can influence you especially if you can sound exactly like the character. I can be Germany only when he talks slow and I can sound like Italy and/or Romano all day if I wanted. Especially when I'm hyper or mad, but people say I'm scary when I talk like Italy, they say I do it too well. So it is normal for a Hetalian.~

I have a really good Italy and Romano impression. :3 I can even do a little bit of Japan!
on February 11, 2015
on February 11, 2015
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idk if it Is normal but heck! when I say some words! or sing lily allen or something! I get a british accent! OR ITALIAN..... :I maybe its just the hetailia....don't worry about it though

Kay :P
on February 11, 2015
on February 11, 2015